With the wave of coronavirus, the fear and anxiety, the uncertainties, and the negativities have increased in both personal and professional life. Several companies, education institutions, and all sorts of businesses that can operate with everyone working from or learning at home are asking people to stay at home to be safe. Being in quarantine, working from home, attending online classes, etc have become a new normal for a year now. During the pandemic, everything has changed, and taking care of our wellbeing in the covid lockdown has become extremely important.
Let me take you back to 2019 when there was no fear and no trace of anything like the new coronavirus. Being a college student, I would wake up with an alarm tone, doing my regular breakfast, listening to music, wearing a perfect outfit to carry throughout my day, meeting those regular buddies, and of course thinking of presentations, group works, tests, and the day-long classes. Life was fun, wasn’t it?
Everything is changed now! It has been a year since I have seen my college campus or met most of my college friends.

Since we graduated by giving online exams, our college did not even allow us to bid us a proper goodbye. For me and all of us it was and has been a time of confusion and uncertainties. Although we all managed to get a job, yes the “work from home” one, we did not have much choice there as nobody wants to risk their life knowing how deadly this virus is. Some of us even came into contact with the covid-19 and fought back with all the strength and positive energy.
Humans are social beings, and we are not meant to be in isolation like this. I just want to take a moment to pray for solicitude for every soul in this difficult time and for relief from the negative energy that we are experiencing. As it is said no matter how hard and hopeless the situation is, there is still a thin ray of light that gives us hope.
Here are few tips that will help you take care of yourselves and your loved ones when the covid lockdown is affecting your lives.
1. Find out two things you are grateful for every morning and write about them
Yes!! It helps, write them down! Hardly it takes 5 minutes of your time.
Think about it. It may be anything like you had your favorite dish last night, or while the summer is approaching, you have an air conditioner in your room that protects you from the heat. And many more….
2. Start working out, stay active
Stretch it out rather than stressing it out!! Exercise will make your body and mood fresh and active for the rest of the day. It also acts as a catalyst to boost your mood and immunity if done regularly. Try some yoga poses, skipping, stretching, or groove on your favorite music. Take small breaks throughout the day and walk.
3. Cherish and spend time with people around or far away from you
Deepen your connections with your family, friends, or pets with whomever you are quarantined. Laugh, play, celebrate, ask questions you have never asked, express yourself, make them feel special that they are into your life. Do not take anyone for granted, let them know how this time is affecting you because usually, we get terribly busy with the works that we have forgotten to cherish people around us. Take this time and make the most of it.
4. Build a new quarantine hobby or skill.
As we are not able to go out, the outbreak has given us more time in our hands. Utilize this time to try out a new recipe that you always wanted to cook, start painting a masterpiece, learn guitar, choreograph a dance performance, make videos, share them and motivate people around the world. Start reading about the topics that interest you, find facts, write about them, speak and share your positive ideas.
5. Do not panic and limit your media intake.
Surely, we need to take proper precautions as guided by the healthcare advisors, but you do not need to panic over every topic that the media shows. An unnecessary amount of negativity and low-energy conversations are damaging our mental health and mood. So avoid such content because fear will not change the situation, it will only weaken our fight against the situation.
Rather focus on positivity such as the announcement of the vaccines, the increasing number of people who are getting vaccinated, the hygiene habits and the healthy routines acquired by people all over the world, the less traffic and pollution on roads, and so on. Things will be normalized once again. Start dreaming and planning your life for the times when all this is over….. I promise it will, so plan your next adventure and stay motivated.
Related Reading:
- 100+ Letting Go Quotes To Help You Move On
- 8 Best Yoga Poses To Lose Belly Fat
- Covishield vs Covaxin vs Sputnik V: A Quick Comparison
- Effect Of Sugar On Brain And Body
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- How to Meal Prep Healthy School Lunches
Author Profile

- Sofia Ali is an analyst by profession who has a love for creativity and enjoys writing on different topics such as engineering, science, history, self-help, healthcare, and much more. Believes strongly in the law of attraction and wants to create a difference in this world with her thoughts.
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