You have read in the dictionary that intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. And as per science, intelligence can broadly be divided into two types- general intelligence and specific intelligence. We will see more about this in the next paragraph. So in this article, we will see some signs that can help us guess if a person is highly intelligent.
Okay! Coming back to the general intelligence and the specific intelligence, the (g) type or general intelligence includes the abilities to acquire knowledge, reason abstractly, adapt to novel situations, and benefit from instructions and experience. People with higher general intelligence learn faster, which is generally higher for elders rather than younger folks. Specific intelligence (s) measures specific skills in narrow domains. People having experience in a particular professional domain can be counted under this type of intelligence. The main question is, can you guess whether a specific person is intelligent or not? Smart people do not go around boasting about their intelligence; it is not written on their faces. It is possible that these people may look and sound quite average until they surprise you with a gem of wisdom.
Here are some signs that indicate you are a very intelligent person:
You do not think you are exceptionally smart
You believe there is much more scope for improvement in your skills or abilities. People with high competencies generally tend to sell themselves short. But try as much as you want, your intelligence still cannot be masked, and it comes out in the required situations. You are not flaunting your intelligence but just working to satisfy your eagerness and curiosity.

You may just sit quietly during a conversation and take time to understand the matter, but then tend to ask just the right questions giving glimpses of your intelligent personality. People enjoy talking to you and tell you that you are a good listener and tend to listen to your advice if you give one.
Tendency to experience anxiety is a sign of intelligence
If you are not thinking about life and worrying about your future, you really are not thinking beyond the present situation.
Intelligent people think about both the good and the bad outcomes of their present actions. This quality, inbuilt in homo sapiens, helps to deal with circumstances that potentially pose a danger.

Thus, intelligent people build models in their heads of possible dangerous situations. This skill has helped us humans evolve for thousands of centuries, and it is vital to apply it in all important events in life.
So if you get anxious about certain important things from time to time, well, then it is just your intelligent mind trying to help you make the best decision possible.
Intellectuals go to sleep late and wake up late.
The above statement comes from the scientific work published in Psychology Today.
The human body works on a circadian rhythm that repeats itself every 24 hours. For one part of the time, the biological process is slowed down, and for the other part, it is accelerated as per the repeated course of actions we perform every day.
Studies found that to achieve excellence in a particular field, our ancestors had to break the rhythm deliberately, and as evolution occurred, this quality was transferred to the next generations.

Hence, we can say that intelligent people do not work on a regular circadian rhythm but develop their own routine in search of something extraordinary.
So, if you have an irregular sleep schedule, stop feeling bad and start feeling special.
Occupied with lots of different projects
One of the general indicators of an intelligent person is that they keep themselves busy with tons of projects.

The projects are related to different subjects as these people are eager to learn about various topics and try to grasp as much useful knowledge as possible from the opportunities available around them.
They may be learning new skills, a new language, a dance form, or reading about topics different from their current line of work or study. Not all intelligent people are highly productive, but keeping oneself busy is a good sign.
What all things are you busy in?
Strive for perfection and are usually self-critical
Each time, people notice some improvement in you. Maybe your way of speaking or expressing yourself is improved, or how you handle a situation is different from how you handled something similar in the past.
You apply this perfectionist mentality to everything in life, whether it be trying to look good, speaking fluently, or practicing any sport. This mentality is a good indicator of a person who wants to grow in life and come out of their comfort zone to accomplish something extraordinary.

Many people cannot take criticism, but you, on the other hand, welcome it. You know how to see criticism as feedback to improve yourself.
Alright, so we saw some of the signs that indicate you are an intelligent person. These are just general signs and should not be applied too strictly as there are always some exceptions. We hope you enjoyed reading the article. Let us know which ones of the above points apply to you. Are there any other indications you use to guess people’s intelligence? Comment below!
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Author Profile

- Sofia Ali is an analyst by profession who has a love for creativity and enjoys writing on different topics such as engineering, science, history, self-help, healthcare, and much more. Believes strongly in the law of attraction and wants to create a difference in this world with her thoughts.
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