Robin Sharma is one of today’s generation’s most influential self-help authors and motivational speakers. His world-class ideas inspire people to become the best humans they can be. Here are 70+ quotes by Robin Sharma to inspire you:
- “Ordinary people love entertainment. Extraordinary people adore education.”
Comments: Most people spend their free time having momentary feelings of joy. Most of the entertainment on TV, Netflix, Youtube, Instagram, and even meaningless regular parties do not take you one step up on the spiritual level, confidence level, or professional or financial level. It becomes prudent to invest more time in things that give you lasting joys and make your lives exemplary. Education or gaining knowledge and skills is one of them. To lead extraordinary lives, one needs to keep getting better from the inside and keep a healthy balance between mere entertainment and useful learning. - “Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that crushed it.”
Comments: The best way to get rid of any hurt feelings and move on with life with zero feelings of negativity in life is to bless the soul who hurt you and keep your heart and mind clean to experience the many joys in life. - “Good health is a crown on the head of a well person that only a sick person can see.”
Comments: Always be grateful for your good health. And exercise regularly, even if it means simply taking regular brisk walks, playing, or running. It is very difficult to enjoy this one life completely if we are not fully fit. So take care of your health. - “Remarkable people are priority-driven. This is the secret of time mastery. Build your days around your priorities, and you will play in rare air.”
Comments: Do the most important things first thing in the morning and be disciplined enough to do them regularly. Your productivity will skyrocket, and the impact will be exponential. - “The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions.”
Comments: Take those tiny steps toward what you want and even the lofty goals will become achievable. - “Life’s way too valuable to hang with people who don’t get you. Who you just don’t vibe with. Who have different values and lower standards than you do. Who have different Mindsets, Heartsets, Healthsets and Soulsets. It’s a little miracle how powerfully and profoundly our influences and environments shape our productivity as well as our impact.”
- “Big people don’t make people feel small.”
Comments: I feel we are all souls on this planet Earth, each living a unique life and learning unique lessons. Be cognizant of this thought, and interact with all souls kindly & respectfully, listening to their views and learning from them. - “The time you least feel like doing something is the best time to do it.”
- “The conversations you are most resisting are the conversations you most need to be having.”
- “What distinguishes people with an extraordinary character from the rest of us is how they respond when life sends one of its inevitable curves.”
- “If everything’s under control, you’re going too slow.”
- “Be one of those rare people who just don’t know how to quit.”
- “Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life.”
- “All great thinkers are initially ridiculed – and eventually revered.”
- “What gets measured gets improved.”
- “Would you rather live your life according to the approval of others or aligned with your truth and your dreams?”
- “Victims recite problems; leaders provide solutions.”
- “No matter what happens to you in your life, you alone have the capacity to choose your response to it. When you form the habit of searching for the positive in every circumstance, your life will move into its highest dimensions. This is one of the greatest of all the natural laws.”
- “If you have failed more than others, there is a very good chance you are living more completely than others.”
- “The beautiful thing is that you can change your self-image, just like you can change everything else in your life if it is not serving to enhance it.”
- “Be the most polite person that you know. • Be honest to a fault. • Deeply commit yourself to being a world-class listener. • Send handwritten thank you notes on a regular basis. • Seek out opportunities to do random acts of kindness.”
- “We walk this planet for such a short time. In the overall scheme of things, our lives are mere blips on the canvas of eternity. So have the wisdom to enjoy the journey and savor the process.”
- “The activity you’re most avoiding contains your biggest opportunity.”
- “The smallest of actions is always better than the noblest of intentions.”
- “The soreness of growth is so much less expensive than the devastating costs of regret.”
- “The sun rejuvenates me. When I grow tired, it keeps my mood bright.”
- “The more successful you and your organization become, the more humble and devoted to your customers you need to be.”
- “For your life to be great, your faith must be bigger than your fear.”
- “Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is.”
- “Big people don’t make people feel small.”
- “The price of discipline is always less than the pain of regret.”
- “Stop Managing Your Time. Start Managing Your Focus.”
- “Reading a book by someone you respect allows some of their brilliance to rub off on you.”
- “Pain is a teacher, and failure is the highway to success.”
- “An addiction to distraction is the death of your creative production.”
- “All shadows of insecurity dissolve in the warm glow of persistence.”
- “Elite producers and everyday heroes understand that what you do each day matters far more than what you do once in a while.”
- “Saying that you don’t have time to improve your thoughts and your life is like saying you don’t have time to stop for gas because you’re too busy driving. Eventually, it will catch up with you.”
- “Be the CEO of your life.”
- “You don’t need to have the biggest title to do the best job.”
- “Forgiving someone who has wronged you is actually a selfish act rather than a selfless one.”
- “Everyone dreams of being a legend until it comes time to do the work that legends do.”
- “Ordinary people have big TVs. Extraordinary people have big libraries.”
- “If you are blessed enough to still have your parents, honor them. And do it today.”
- “The best antidote for fear is knowledge.”
- “World-class begins where your comfort zone ends is a rule the successful, the influential and the happiest always remember.”
- “There will be plenty of time to sleep once you are dead.”
- “All great thinkers are initially ridiculed – and eventually revered.”
- “What gets measured gets improved.”
- “There are no mistakes in life, only lessons. There is no such thing as a negative experience, only opportunities to grow, learn, and advance along the road of self-mastery. From struggle comes strength. Even pain can be a wonderful teacher.”
- “Art feeds my soul. Great books battle proof my hope. Rich conversations magnify my creativity. Wonderful music uplifts my heart. Beautiful sights fortify my spirit.”
- “The farmer has patience and trusts the process. He just has the faith and deep understanding that through his daily efforts, the harvest will come. And then one day, almost out of nowhere, it does.”
- “Victims recite problems; leaders provide solutions.”
- “All change is hard at first, messy in the middle, and gorgeous at the end.”
- “Take excellent care of the front end of your day, and the rest of your day will pretty much take care of itself. Own your morning. Elevate your life.”
- “Why allow a painful past to destroy your perfect future.”
- “Daily ripples of excellence -over time- become a tsunami of success.”
- “Every second you spend thinking about what you don’t want in your life is a second denying focus and energy from getting what you do want. Every minute you worry about what’s not working is a minute drawn away from creating what will work. And every hour spent reflecting on the disappointments of the past is an hour stolen from seeing the possibilities that your future holds.”
- “Getting lost along your path is a part of finding the path you are meant to be on.”
- “Simplicity is the trademark of genius.”
- “Average performers stop when they feel fear. Iconic producers accelerate once they get frightened.”
- “A bad day for the ego is a good day for the soul.”
- “Mistake is a mistake only if you make it twice…”
- “The mind is like any other muscle in your body. Use it or lose it.”
- “Life has bigger plans for you than you can possibly know.”
- “Remember, every professional was once an amateur, and every master started as a beginner. Ordinary people can accomplish extraordinary feats once they’ve routinized the right habits.”
- “There’s a cure for aging that no one talks about. It’s called learning.”
- “Misunderstood is the price ambition pays to become legendary.”
- “Small daily improvements over time create stunning results.”
- “Wisdom is knowing what to do next, skill is knowing how to do it, and virtue is doing it.”
- “Read regularly. Reading for thirty minutes a day will do wonders for you.”
So how are you feeling now after going through the above quotes? Motivated? Fired up? Hopeful? Well, that’s exactly what the above 70+ Robin Sharma quotes do; they fully inspire you! Let us know your favorite Robin Sharma quote in the comments below. Check other interesting quotes here.
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