Summer is the most relaxing time of year when we get more time to spend with our loved ones. Days are long and sunny. Kids enjoy their summer holidays, foodies enjoy the mango season, and most people plan to travel to beautiful, cooler places. We all had sweet memories of summer as a kid when we got to visit our grandparent’s house, meet our cousins, and have a lot of fun. Gone are when days with 30+ degrees Celcius temperature were considered scorching days of the year. We now have to deal with more than 45 degrees of heat due to global warming. Let us see some quick tips to beat the summer heat.
The increased amount of industrial waste, improper use of electricity, dumping of plastic waste, rampant cutting of trees, and other things cause the earth to warm up. Ultimately, we have to pay the price. The COVID-19 virus has added to the agony by forcing us to stay at home most of the time.
We are now in April, when the summer heat is at its peak, and so is the pandemic. Taking proper precautions and spreading positivity is essential to take care of ourselves and our loved ones.
Here are some quick tips to beat the summer heat that you can try.
1) Keep your windows closed & curtains down in the middle of the day.
In summer, the sun rises early and remains active, giving out intense heat till late in the evening. The unbearable heat in the middle of the day makes us feel uncomfortable, exhausted, and tired.

Try keeping the curtains down during that time and avoid leaving home to be safe from heatstroke. And keep the windows closed so that the heat waves don’t enter the house.
Also, ensure the curtains are thicker and darker to block the heat and sunlight completely.
2) Use fewer electronic appliances
Try to eliminate cooking in the oven as it releases micro radiation, which causes your kitchen to heat up, even if you have a small oven. The same applies to a dishwasher; it releases warm air. Instead, use a regular gas stove. Preferably cook in the morning when the atmosphere is not that hot. Or install exhaust fans in the kitchen to dissipate the heat generated.
Avoid using other electronic appliances like geysers and iron to avoid dealing with the heat released from them. Instead, install a solar water heater on the rooftop to get hot water. Use compact fluorescent light or LED instead of an incandescent bulb as it generates much heat and less light.
3) Do a simple workout in the summer heat
Heavy work out in the heat can cause cramps, exhaustion, and even heat stroke. It is better to exercise early in the morning to avoid any risks to the body.
Simple yoga can also make you feel fresh and alive throughout the day. If possible, try walking in the evening or morning on the ground barefoot, which increases the blood flow in our body, making the body feel cool and refreshed.
4) Include cool drinks in your intake
Have some cold peppermint tea. Menthol is the main ingredient in peppermint tea which helps your body to cool down; you must have experienced a menthol freezing effect in your mouth. It also helps reduce belly bloat.

Make berries and other fruit smoothies and freeze them. It will make a great treat to avoid the scorching summer heat and helps your intestine to cool down.
Avoid carbonated drinks instead; drink fresh fruit juice with ice cubes for better relief from the summer heat. And yes, all the tea and coffee lovers, please try to reduce your hot tea/coffee intake.
5) Take good care of your skin
The first step to having glowing skin in summer is to keep yourself hydrated. Consume as much water as you can. Apply aloe vera on your skin along with a light moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. Aloe Vera has sunburn relief properties that also help in keeping your skin cool.

Use natural aloe vera, grind it with peppermint leaves, and apply it over your body when the heat is unbearable.
Use a light moisturizer containing salicylic acid, which helps in preventing the appearance of small boils over the body. Take a cold bath using mild soap and shampoo to feel cooler.
6) Use the fan properly
You can try these tips if you don’t have AC in your room. During the daytime, make the fan face out, not in; this will help the hot air from the room escape outside, leaving the room cool. Keep refrigerated water in front of the fan to blow cold air and increase the process of making your room cool faster. You can also keep a wet cloth on the fan and have the fan release cooler air. Trying these simple tips will make your room cool and keep you safe from the scorching summer heat.
Additionally, avoid going out without a mask and hand sanitizer if there is an urgent need to get out of the house. Also, wear good quality sunglasses that cover your eyes and the region around the eyes. Remain indoors as much as possible to win the fight against this novel virus and the summer heat. Stay indoors, safe, and healthy.
Let us know in the comments if some of the above tips help you to beat the summer heat!! Also, please share your tips with your fellow readers and us.
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Author Profile

- Sofia Ali is an analyst by profession who has a love for creativity and enjoys writing on different topics such as engineering, science, history, self-help, healthcare, and much more. Believes strongly in the law of attraction and wants to create a difference in this world with her thoughts.
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