Ready to know some quick multitasking tips? Let’s start! Most people live under a lot of stress these days. The most common reason for being overwhelmed is that we are sometimes unable to complete the task or work in the given time or in an expected manner.
Whether school kids, professional workers, or homemakers, everyone has a target to complete at the end of the day or week. Most of us try to finish the work as soon as possible, which requires proper time management. For example, some students complete their assignments or studies on time and can get good grades. This is not mostly because they are smarter than others but because they are good with the art of time management and focus.
Also, not everyone gets a promotion at the same pace in the corporate world. Some people just climb the corporate ladder faster. Handling several important tasks effectively or making many important decisions in a quality manner requires the skill of multitasking. This article will look at some quick tips on multitasking so you can juggle your tasks effectively without getting overwhelmed.
Multitasking comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Some important activities require our 100 percent focus, and it is not suggested to multitask during these activities. However, if done smartly, multitasking can help us achieve more in our life.
So here are some quick tips on multitasking:
1. Increase your focus
It may seem that multitasking means focusing on many things simultaneously. But for good multitasking, short spurts of intense focus are very important. If you lack focus, you are likely to make errors in your work. Mastering concentration and being in the present is very important.

Focus intensely while you work on that single task and switch your focus to another thing as soon as it is done. It is better to be aware of the other tasks you need to do but should not think too much about them until you complete the task at hand.
Working with focus needs practice and, initially, some willpower. Always ask yourself why you are doing something. The ‘why’ will help you understand the importance of the task at hand and thus help you focus better.
People with high concentration have a habit of writing down important points. You don’t have to write the whole paragraph, just keywords to keep you on track, or you can make doodles too to remember things. Try meditation whenever you are overwhelmed or before you begin your work. Just close your eyes for five minutes and breath; that will help increase your concentration power and help you clear your mind before you focus on your task.
2. Avoid disturbance
Yes, multitasking is doing several things simultaneously. But it is better to turn that radio or television off if listening to it is unimportant. Doing so can definitely increase the quality and speed of the work at hand.
You can also turn off the social media notifications or internet data for a few hours if that can help you focus on your tasks better.

Make a list of all the interference around you and try eliminating them. However, not all noise cause disturbances; some help in increasing task efficiency, e.g., instrumental music or white noise can help some people to concentrate better
3. Group up the related task
While working on different assignments simultaneously, sometimes you may not need to switch tasks drastically if they are related.

Make a list of all related tasks such as research work that can be dealt with at once, making a single presentation to send across different vendors, or holding a meeting to discuss several topics at once and giving clear, thoughtful instructions anticipating several scenarios.
By combining related tasks in one, you will save time that otherwise will be wasted on doing repetitive tasks, and also, you will be able to save energy for doing other more important work.
4. Work in blocks
Working in a block simply means shifting related tasks in certain time intervals. In other words, the related task you have grouped into one can be done at a time, then the other group of tasks, and so on. This will help you to start each task with fresh enthusiasm and full focus, leading to increased productivity and quality work. You can take breaks between these tasks to regain concentration power and plan the next assignments effectively.
Try to take short breaks after every 25 mins of a single work block, then take a long break after completing four blocks. This method is highly recommended by multitaskers and effectively increases overall performance. It is called the Pomodoro technique. You can read more about it here: The Pomodoro Technique: Do More In Less Time
5. Plan and supervise your tasks
Planning is always a good idea; you can plan anytime, whether it is at the start of the project or in the middle. Planning helps you to manage your time and gives an overview of the work completed and the work yet to be done.

Make a list of deadlines and follow them regularly; this will help you stay on track without getting distracted. When you start your weekly or monthly planning, you will realize that some tasks are repeated at regular intervals, many of which are related to each other, and some tasks require more concentration than others. Hence you will get a complete idea of where to start and on what to focus more to multitask effectively.
After planning, you must supervise your work and be your own boss. Be your own critique. Make yourself accountable. Learn and Improve. Expect more from yourself, and you will achieve accordingly. This is called the Pygmalion effect; you can read about it here: Pygmalion Effect: Expectations Decide The Outcome
6. Learn to delegate
It is okay to spend some money to hand over certain time-consuming tasks to experts who can do it better.
You can also hire interns looking for experience and ready to work for free or at reduced rates.

And also, there is no harm in asking for help from your friends, coworkers, or relatives. Who knows, they may actually enjoy working with you or for you!
7. Make use of technology
You can create templates in your email settings for certain common work-related or personal emails, so you don’t have to type them out every single time.

There are several productivity-related apps on smartphones these days. Whether it is automating the payment process of your monthly bills, syncing your to-do lists across devices, setting reminders in calendars or timers and delegating tasks to people, tracking the progress, etc.
All these and several other apps can definitely help you to increase your productivity, focus better and make your life more organized.
8. Use your mealtime in a better way
Mealtime is something that you cannot skip. But it can also be a good bonding or networking time. So why not arrange a business lunch or dinner with your prospective client, employee, or partner?

Instead of just meeting that friend or relative, why not catch up with them over a meal? That way, you make better use of your mealtime. One of the most overlooked quick multitasking tips.
9. Public transport for commuting
Public transport gives you that extra free time to work or plan or watch that favorite show while you commute to work.

Yes, it is not as convenient as using your own bike or car and may not be suitable for all, but definitely can be given a thought.
Efficient multitasking can easily be achieved if you focus on the above areas and start working on them, but don’t put much pressure on yourself. Multitasking efficiency gets better with time and practice. With multitasking, you will be able to work on different projects simultaneously and easily. Hope you enjoyed reading the above quick multitasking tips. And hope you will incorporate some of these tips into your life today! Let us know your thoughts about the article in the comments section, and if you have more quick tips for multitasking effectively, we are all ears.
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Author Profile

- Sofia Ali is an analyst by profession who has a love for creativity and enjoys writing on different topics such as engineering, science, history, self-help, healthcare, and much more. Believes strongly in the law of attraction and wants to create a difference in this world with her thoughts.
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