Everyone has a friend who is a writer. And artists are appreciated much less than they should be. Having friends in creative fields is a blessing because they make you see things in many different lights. If you can make them feel appreciated, you should give it a shot.

If it is a birthday gift or a gift in general, here are some of the perfect gift ideas for a writer friend.

Buying a gift for a writer can be challenging; writers can sometimes be strange. But here is a list of gift ideas that are bound to bring a smile to their face. Let us help you decide what you can get for your friend who is a writer. Keep reading.
1. A book about writing
Writers are often focused and very serious when it comes to their craft. They keep looking for opportunities to be better. So, if you get them something that helps them to be better at their work, they will respect you much more.
Although, it can be hard to decide what book you should get them if you don’t know how skilled they are or what kind of writing they are pursuing. So, it is a great idea; however, you should do your research before you get them a book about writing. Try to be as relatable and helpful as you can.
Some books we would suggest:
- The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
- 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma
But make sure they have not read the books before. Maybe try mentioning the names in a casual conversation and see their reaction.
2. A journal or a diary
Most writers use laptops or electronic devices for writing as they are way more convenient and effective compared to the older methods. But a writer never gets tired of paper, so getting them that journal or diary is still a great idea. This one never goes out of style.

It is an excellent gift for a writer even to this day.
Writers love to journal, and if you can get them something that looks or feels good to touch, they will write in it even if they have nothing to write.
It becomes more of a feeling thing (you can relate if you are a writer)
3. A bottle of wine
If you know your writer friend loves wine, then go ahead and gift them their favorite wine. They will thank you in their sleep.
Writers go out of their way to be a part of new sensations, and alcohol is all about that.
Obviously, you should be a little considerate of it if they have a history with it. But generally, good wine is a really great gift for a writer.

Enjoy a good evening with them, bond over lost time, and raise a toast to memories made; writers always love that dramatic stuff. Making someone laugh is the best gift you can give another human being.
4. Something exclusive and handmade
Writers are emotional beings, they are driven by feelings. If you do something exclusively for them, it will melt them. Little things always matter.
Like small stones can create big ripples, little things can be the key to their hearts. Writers don’t need a lot; write them a letter or make them a card or something to show that you appreciate what they do. You will definitely make them happy.
It will make them smile whenever they think of it—a perfect and thoughtful gift idea for your writer friend.
5. Books/Kindle
A writer never gets tired of books. There are never enough books. Get them a relaxing book that makes them feel good, or get them your favorite novel.
They will discuss it with you for weeks. Books are the best gift for anyone and on any occasion.
If they like to read online, you can gift them an unlimited kindle subscription. It is a great idea; however, many people do not prefer reading that way.
They like to read directly from paper. The feel of paper does sound more appealing, but it depends from person to person.
If your friend is okay with reading stuff online, a kindle subscription is one of the best ideas you can act upon.

Knowing their interests, you can also get them something according to their taste. Writers have a special kind of love for books. They are professional storytellers; they never miss out on a chance to immerse themselves in a good story.
Of course, there is something special about reading printed books, but we all know their weight becomes a problem when moving places or traveling.

Kindle solves this problem as now your friend can have all their favorite books in one lightweight gadget. He will forever remember you as it is a long-term investment and will remain in use for years, if not decades.
6. Writing and art supplies
You can get a writer excited by showing them something as simple as a pen. They love writing and art supplies. If your writer friend does not have more empty notebooks than things to write, is he a writer?
Trust me; writers love to stock writing supplies. Even if they never use them, they are obsessed with them. Get them pens, paper, notebooks, anything at all. Many people have a thing for old writing material like quill pens or fountain pens. So, if your friend is into them, definitely get them something that fits.
7. A coffee mug
Writers often work late hours and drink a lot of coffee. I know a coffee mug sounds a little clichéd, but they will love it. All writers love coffee and are caffeinated for most of the day (or year). So, this is an everlasting gift for a writer as well, among a few other things that never lose their relevance.

Please give them a mug that says something about their personality. You can get customized mugs pretty easily.
You can also get them mugs with good quality motivational quotes (try to avoid the overused clichés) to boost their confidence. Something like, “Writing is my daily vacation!” or “Real artists thrive!”
8. Comfy Pillows
Writing is a sitting job, and that can take a toll on any writer’s back at some point. So we feel they will absolutely love any size pillow.

A small pillow they can use on their chair to give their back support or a big cushion they can rest their back or head on when they are reading on their bed or sofa will probably make a very useful gift.
9. Literary perfumes or scented candles
Inspiration can come from anywhere, and writers like to set the mood before writing. So, getting them something like a literary perfume (yes, that’s a real thing) or scented candles can be a great idea. There are a lot of options that you can choose from. You can even get literary perfumes that are themed around a specific world setting, like harry potter or game of thrones.
It is a classy gift idea, and writers have a thing for things like that. Literary perfumes can inspire them to be more creative and even become a part of their everyday life if they like them.
10. A movie/spa/hair salon pass
Writers mostly spend their time in their homes thinking and then writing their thoughts, experiences, and imaginations. Their world is mainly made up of their imaginations. But we must not forget most of this imaginary world is inspired by what they observe around the world. That is why they love exploring new things; it gives new fodder to write.
Writers mostly are in their heads and so don’t find the time or strong reason to go out and explore more things outside.
As a friend, it is your opportunity to gift them a new experience. Give them that extra inspiration to go out and explore the world. Who knows, this new experience may become part of their new novel or article.
You can then gift a movie pass that is not time-bound, so they can go and watch a movie they feel like watching, whenever they feel like it. Movies are a great form of art that impacts so many people. And every artist appreciates other artwork. It inspires them and fills them with joy.
Also, they will not mind a relaxing spa day.

Writers are generally simple people who are so busy thinking deeply about the ideas, world, things, and people around them that they do not give much attention to their hairstyle, hair color, or looks.
These things are always at the bottom of their priority list.
So why not gift them this experience? They will surely appreciate your gesture. You are offering them something which they will probably never buy for themselves.
But make sure these passes are not too time-bound. Give them enough time room to decide when they want to go. If the passes are going to expire in a week or two, that will unnecessarily put them under pressure.
And yes, do not forget to give them company to the above places if they insist so! It will be a whole lot of fun, creating some wonderful birthday memories!
11. A hug and future promise to buy their stuff
Affection is the best gift you can give any other human being. Sometimes things are just not enough.
Just hug them tight and whisper in their ear that you will buy all the books they write. They will remember it for years, probably forever.
And they will mention the incident at some point in their lives, where this was exactly what they needed.
Sometimes, a hug is all a person needs. It can be a cruel world, and no one will tell you how broken they feel.
We live in a world where people hide the parts they are not proud of.
Being an artist is not an easy job. There is always the darkness that lurks around the corner, and they will always choose to carry it, to honor the profession or path they chose.
In Conclusion
Try to associate a feeling with whatever you want to gift to your friend. Because, at the end of the day, things are just things. Things become special because of the way they make us feel. So, always give them something more than a materialistic object.
Artists live a hard life; if you go over to them and tell them that you like what they do and look forward to their work, they will feel much happier than any materialistic thing would ever make them. So, be a good friend.

Thank you so much for reading. We hope you got some perfect gift ideas for your writer friend. If there is something that you would like to add to the article, be sure to mention it in the comments below. If you have a story or an incident being a writer or buying a gift for a writer friend, we’d also love to hear that.
Any thoughtful feedback is always appreciated. Thank you, and have a wonderful day!
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Author Profile

Lives in India. She dreams to someday settle in the mesmerizing Scotland. Voracious reader, video game lover and media and entertainment true fan.
Writing is her second most favorite thing to do! The first one is playing with her pet dogs and the third one is playing her piano.
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