A lot of people struggle with work-life balance, and a lot of people face stress at work. Then some people work so much that it leaves them physically and mentally drained. There is nothing wrong with them; they are addicted to working. Working long hours is an option, and if people like to get that high from work, telling them otherwise is useless because they won’t listen anyway. Working makes them happier. But it can harm your health, which is a major issue. If you are doing it out of pressure, then it needs to stop!

Fear of missing out is real, but being a stressed-out workaholic is not the answer. If you find yourself in similar situations and want to take control of your life to live life more healthily and happily, this article is for you.
Why do you need to slow down?
You may think if you work long hours to achieve more, what exactly is the problem? Sacrifices need to be made, right? You want something; you got to give something in return. Well, no. It is the worst way to look at the situation.
First, most people don’t know their actual goal, and they are not working towards a specific thing. They think they are getting somewhere, but they are just running around in circles. Yes, ambition fuels passion. But you need a strong enough vessel to wield that passion. Take care of yourself; you owe your body that much.
Secondly, there is a huge difference between being busy and being productive. Most people mistake being busy for being productive. So, they feel stressed out, tired, and feel like they didn’t really do anything.
It is bad for everything, the mind, the body, and work. And besides, no goal or ambition is more significant than your life. You need to slow down and value the right things.
Relax, take a walk in nature or watch some movies. Slow down and regain the mental freshness!
Avoiding burnout
Your body is not an infinity machine. It needs maintenance, repairs, and rest. Working 20 hours a day and then having the next 48 hours to be miserable is not a very smart choice.
You might do it with a caffeine hit, but it will wear off sooner than you think. Then your body will take double the time to recover. Even if you need to work longer hours, you need balance and planning.
Start by working one hour extra every day until you get used to it. Don’t overdo yourself; your body will make you restore the balance anyway. And if you are stubborn, it will be more challenging than it needs to be.

Listen to your body; everything else can follow. Unless you are going through some serious emergency, your body needs rest. Don’t burn out; it is not worth it.
The problem is that people overestimate what they can do in a day and underestimate what they can do in a year. So, please don’t fool yourself because, in the end, you pay the price.
Prioritizing sleep
A lot of workaholics don’t give enough importance to sleep. It is the first step toward destroying your external and internal peace.
Some people are efficient with sleeping 4 hours a day, but not everyone is.
Sleep first! Everything else can wait.
Don’t force your limits too much. Even more amount of sleep is not the answer. You need quality sleep. You are more active and more likely to perform and feel better.
Check: 10 Quick Tips to Sleep Better and Faster at Night
Your body needs to be well-rested to achieve something productive. The goal is to work the least amount of hours to achieve the maximum results.
As an adult, you need at least 6 hours of sleep daily. If you are younger, you need to sleep even more. Also, avoid sleeping in on weekends, it messes up the routine, and the more you fall out of it, the more difficult it will be to get back into it.
Being in the present
We are very rarely in the present. Human beings live inside of their heads for the most part. Humans misuse two of their greatest gifts, a vivid sense of memory and an infinite sense of imagination.
We can be hurt by something that happened years ago, and we already suffer what is coming. Being in the present takes you away from all those problems.
Remember that life is not about wishing you were somewhere or someone you are not. Life is about enjoying where you are, loving who you are, and consistently improving both.

Look around you; there is nothing out there to hurt you. Everything is fine, and you are still in control. If you are anxious about work or for any other reason, here is a psychological trick you can use.
Look around for one thing that you can see, one thing that you can touch, one that you can smell, one that you can hear, and one that you can taste. It snaps you out of your head and into the real world.
Take at least 20 to 25 minutes a day to ponder your life and your level of happiness. Happiness is the top priority.
Meditation is one of the best ways to achieve a more present and calm mind.
Also read:15 Main Benefits of Meditation for All
If you are not happy, it is all for nothing. I don’t mean write, read, or anything of the sort; these things get you right back inside of your head (although that is not a very bad thing, you need to spend some time out of your head and be a part of reality, knowing that it matters. You will be surprised to know how much time you spend inside your head.)
Acknowledge the present Most people realize it too late. Life is happening around you; witness and be a part of it. You never know what is coming next, and you may not get another chance. Life does not happen twice.
Being a human
If you are a workaholic, it is not just about you. It is about everyone you are close to. No relationships work like that. They may try to understand, but they are human beings, and human beings need human emotion. Don’t be a robot; life has more to offer than just work.
Value the right things, value relationships, and value the time you spend with yourself, your family, or your loved ones. Being a human is more important than being skilled at anything. Obviously, skills have their utility, but that is no excuse for not being a good human being.

Everyone needs a work-life balance, and it is okay. You don’t need to go to extremes. Life is much more beautiful than meets the eye, and you should never miss out on that kind of beauty.
Value the life inside you; being stuck somewhere you don’t want to be will not help you. The life you want is bigger than your fear and worth it.
You are not missing out. You have time. Do things that actually make you feel happier. Things that make you want to get out of your bed every day. If you look long enough, you will find it. Just do not stop looking until you do.
Thank you so much for reading. We hope that we were able to serve you in some way. If there is something that you would like to add to the article, be sure to mention it in the comments below. If you have struggled with a similar issue and would like to share your experience or how you made it through that, we’d love to hear that as well.
Your feedback is always appreciated.
Thank you, and have a great day.
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Author Profile

Lives in India. She dreams to someday settle in the mesmerizing Scotland. Voracious reader, video game lover and media and entertainment true fan.
Writing is her second most favorite thing to do! The first one is playing with her pet dogs and the third one is playing her piano.
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