Feeling drowsy after lunch is one of the most common affairs of our day-to-day life. Whether you’re a house maker, working in a multinational company, managing a small business, or working from home, we all are affected by post-lunch drowsiness. It not only decreases our productivity but also pulls us away from short and long-term goals. Let us see some tips to deal with laziness or sleepiness after lunch.
After having lunch, our pancreas produces insulin to regulate blood sugar levels in the body. The heavier the lunch, the higher the insulin production, which activates the sleep hormones serotonin and melatonin in our brain to induce sleep. You can’t skip lunch but can maintain a habit of remaining active all day. Pay attention to what you’re eating, taking a walk, and having adequate sleep. You must closely monitor your everyday activities and figure out the changes required to achieve higher productivity.
Here are some tips to eliminate the afternoon laziness or sleepiness after lunch. You can also come up with your own routine to stay active and let us know about it in the comments.
Eat fewer calories, consume more proteins
Avoid eating junk food with a large number of calories in it. The processed food has refined grains that easily digest and increase the insulin level in your body quickly. The energy created by those food does not remain for a long time and makes you feel tired.
Consume leafy veggies, whole grain, lean meat, fish, or eggs. A proper amount of protein, carbohydrates, and iron is required for your body. For a high-energy lunch, you can eat sprouts, green beans, lettuce, mustard greens, radicchio, bok choy, sea vegetables, cabbage, mushrooms, radishes, celery, avocado, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, summer squash, zucchini, bamboo shoots, onions, tomatoes, artichokes, carrots, water chestnuts, pumpkin, etc.

Whole wheat bread, brown rice, whole-wheat pasta, whole wheat crackers, bulgur wheat, quinoa, etc., are also good choices. Chickpeas, egg, chicken breast, tuna, tofu, turkey breast, etc., can also be included.
A large meal takes hours to digest; choose your meal wisely. Have a small meal but make sure to add a good amount of proteins, complex carbohydrates, and iron into your lunch box. You can also divide your meal and balance them between small breaks to consume all the essential nutrients. Always choose unprocessed food over processed ones.
Choose your drinks wisely
Drink lots of water throughout the day. Sometimes you feel having a beer or glass of wine will help you to deal with a stressful day, but it makes you drowsier. Avoid alcohol with lunch; it is a sedative that makes you feel fatigued for the rest of the day.

Take less caffeine after your lunch. Although caffeine is known for its ability to keep you alert, taking an excessive amount of it can make you a caffeine addict, increasing the sugar level in your body.
One can consume decaffeinated drinks to get you through the afternoon. The best alternative is water; 8-10 glasses daily help your body hydrate. You can have fruit juice without extra sugar in it. Buttermilk or curd is a catalyst to make you feel light and active.
Move around and keep track
Taking a walk after a meal increases the oxygen level in your blood, which boosts your energy level. Do not sit back or lay down immediately after lunch; that will make you feel even more sluggish.

Take a walk around your promises and then choose steps instead of an elevator to climb back to your office floor. Light exercise after eating will help get your blood flowing and will help to ward off fatigue. Do some basic stretches or light jumping jacks in your cabin or restroom.
Chew gum
It is found that chewing gum increases alertness and reduces tiredness. It is because your muscles are constantly moving, which keeps your brain engaged with an activity.

Chew gum is a major mood booster. Choose mint or refreshing flavor to make you feel fresh. Do not overdo though, as it is advised to chew it for only five minutes to avoid reverse effects.
Have a proper night’s sleep
Track your sleeping habits; include food in your dinner that helps you sleep at night. Make a diary and note what things make you feel drowsy, have you done your exercise, how well you slept last night, what you ate, etc. Keep monitoring all the data recorded for a few weeks. Based on the pattern, learn to avoid habits that cause drowsiness.
It is always advised to have a proper 7 to 8 hours of night sleep. A simple tip- hydrate yourself during the night, and take lukewarm water or turmeric milk to induce a night of better sleep. If you have insomnia consult your doctor as night sleep plays a vital role in our whole day’s productivity.
We saw above some scientifically proven habits or tips to reduce tiredness after lunch. We encourage the readers to try and build the above habits and increase their daily productivity. In the comments, let us know the effects of these tips in your everyday life. Do you have other tips to deal with sleepiness or laziness after lunch? Share that as well!
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Author Profile

- Sofia Ali is an analyst by profession who has a love for creativity and enjoys writing on different topics such as engineering, science, history, self-help, healthcare, and much more. Believes strongly in the law of attraction and wants to create a difference in this world with her thoughts.
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