We all need to use positive adjectives to describe someone or something great. And what we do, we use the same small set of adjectives repeatedly and end up giving a dull praise or writing a boring description or making an average impression. Here are 1000+ positive adjectives which you can use in your daily talks and writings. Another benefit of using these words is you will … [Read more...] about 1000+ Positive Feel-Good Adjectives
40+ Interesting Quotes About Change
We may not notice, but the world, the technology, the thinking, the behavior, the concepts, the fashion style, societal rules, outlook, ways of doing business, our bodies, nature, and almost everything in this world is changing every day. The differences only become clear if we look back after a certain amount of time and compare. We must be forever aware of this fact and keep … [Read more...] about 40+ Interesting Quotes About Change
Useful Affirmations For Student Success In Exams/Studies
Student life is full of distractions and stress when it comes to complex topics, assignments, and exams. One has to walk a tightrope of learning something new & enjoying college life with friends, all while maintaining self-discipline, doing proper planning, and actively managing time. However, a strong and positive mindset can transform this struggle into a fulfilling and … [Read more...] about Useful Affirmations For Student Success In Exams/Studies
Top Gut Instinct/Intuition Quotes
Intuition is the ability to understand something without needing logical reasoning. It has different names such as gut instinct, following your heart, doing what feels good, etc. It is a feeling which is hard to describe, but you want to believe it. Let us see some top gut instinct/intuition quotes.“Follow your instincts. That’s where true wisdom manifests itself.” ~ Oprah … [Read more...] about Top Gut Instinct/Intuition Quotes
Best Outdoor Activities To Relieve Stress
There is too much stress in everybody's life. We must know how to manage and cope with stress and our mental and physical health. Some people do meditation to get rid of the stress; some listen to music or take the help of Netflix. Some exercise and some take naps. But I am sure going outdoors and taking some fresh air trumps all other ways to relieve stress. One of the best … [Read more...] about Best Outdoor Activities To Relieve Stress
The Pomodoro Technique: Do More In Less Time
One of the valuable assets in all our lives is time. In a day, there are 24 hours, which are the same for people worldwide. There are some things in life that we cannot buy, and one of those precious things is time. Taylor Swift and Elon Musk have the same number of hours as you. So don't complain about having less time. How we use our time plays a significant role in our … [Read more...] about The Pomodoro Technique: Do More In Less Time
Pygmalion Effect: Expectations Decide The Outcome
The Pygmalion effect is a powerful weapon one can use to nudge others towards success. The expectations can influence performance for better or worse. What is the Pygmalion effect? When others' expectations influence an individual's performance, it is the pygmalion effect. In short, higher expectations lead to higher performance. The development shows how our expectations of … [Read more...] about Pygmalion Effect: Expectations Decide The Outcome
Women And Their Struggle For Full Freedom In The Modern World
There is a famous saying- "Women's rights are human rights." It means women are entitled to all these rights- the right to live free from violence, slavery, and discrimination; to be educated; to own property, and not just to vote but also to earn a fair and equal wage. However, almost everywhere in the world, females, whether women or girls, are denied most of these rights … [Read more...] about Women And Their Struggle For Full Freedom In The Modern World
Signs You Are A Very Intelligent Person
You have read in the dictionary that intelligence is the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. And as per science, intelligence can broadly be divided into two types- general intelligence and specific intelligence. We will see more about this in the next paragraph. So in this article, we will see some signs that can help us guess if a person is highly … [Read more...] about Signs You Are A Very Intelligent Person
The Covid Lockdown And Us: Tips To Take Care Of Ourselves
With the wave of coronavirus, the fear and anxiety, the uncertainties, and the negativities have increased in both personal and professional life. Several companies, education institutions, and all sorts of businesses that can operate with everyone working from or learning at home are asking people to stay at home to be safe. Being in quarantine, working from home, attending … [Read more...] about The Covid Lockdown And Us: Tips To Take Care Of Ourselves