In this article, we will see how the happy hormones dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin, differ from each other and how to boost them to increase the 'feel-good' factor in our life."The purpose of our lives is to be happy."- Dalai Lama."Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be."- Abraham Lincoln."The most important thing is to enjoy your life … [Read more...] about Know Your “Happy Hormones”: Dopamine, Oxytocin, & Serotonin
10 Super-Easy & Super-Tasty Smoothies To Make At Home
If you have already read the title, I am sure you know what’s in store for you here… I am sure, not all of you but most of you are aware of SMOOTHIES!But what we all see around is that a lot of people confuse themselves in understanding the difference between a Smoothie and a Juice! All of your doubts and misconceptions will be cleared right away. Don’t you worry... Join me … [Read more...] about 10 Super-Easy & Super-Tasty Smoothies To Make At Home
8 Effective Ways to Detox Your Body
We all know this prevalent buzzword "detoxification" or "detox," right? But do we all know what it means or what it does within our body? It has been performed for centuries altogether by varying cultures around the world. A few include the well-known Ayurveda (from India) and Chinese medicine cultures. DETOXIFICATION is, in plain words, all about relaxing, cleansing, and … [Read more...] about 8 Effective Ways to Detox Your Body