Yoga is an Indian cultural heritage with the power to fight against several health issues & make your mind & body fit, strong & supple. The combination of flowing sequences, breathing exercises, and meditation is truly magical for actual results. Also, it is not as strenuous as other physical activities. Anyone can do it! In this article, let us see some of the best yoga asanas or poses to reduce belly fat.
Yoga has always been popular and considered important in India, but it has become a global phenomenon in the last two decades. There are even yoga teachers and special yoga studios in almost all countries, and the power of the internet is fuelling its deeper adoption. With its approximate list of 84 asanas, yoga has a cure or solution for various health issues.
With the impact of the pandemic, we are forced to work from home and stay in our houses. And due to the sudden mixture of professional and personal life, we barely get time to go for a walk or do some exercise. And so most of us have put on some weight. But no need to worry; yoga is there to help us get back in our best shape. Just 30 min of yoga daily will help reduce belly fat quickly and fast. One of the benefits of yoga is you do not have to hit the gym and use large, heavy equipment; instead, you can practice yoga in your own room with all the comfort.
Below are eight yoga poses, and a proper diet will help you reduce weight in weeks.
Sun Salutation (Surya namaskar):
The Surya Namaskar – the king of all asanas – works on the whole body, making it an ideal yoga pose to reduce weight.
It helps to tone your neck, shoulders, spine, arms, hands, wrists, leg, and back muscles, amongst others. This yoga pose is a sequence of 12 different postures for the best results to be done.

Additionally, the results of yoga also depend on how regularly you do it. Slow and steady wins the race here.
Finally, you can practice this pose while keeping your navel tucked in for better results. There is no hard and fast rule about how often you have to do this pose; you can do it as often as your body feels comfortable doing it.
Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)
The Dhanurasana is known as the Bow pose. The pose provides strength in the abdominal region and helps reduce fats.

It also tones the arms and legs, enhancing the appearance of the human body.
For this pose, one should stretch arms and legs while on the abdomen and try to hold your legs with hands from behind.
Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana)
The Virabhadrasana, commonly known as the warrior pose, helps tone legs, arms, and lower back.
The pose also offers strength to build stamina, enabling you to carry out a stamina-based workout to reduce weight.

While doing this pose, it is recommended that you take an ujjayi breath that will give strength to maintain the posture for a more extended time. Ujjayi breath is a soft, whispering breath often compared with the sound of the wind through the trees or the waves coming to shore. It helps you to focus on the present.
The warrior pose is a strength-building pose to cope with other asanas without tiring you. To do this pose, you must stretch your hands in the opposite direction and split your legs.
Angle Pose (Konasana)
The Konasana, also known as angle pose, helps to burn and reduce fats around the waistline.
The pose is done by bending sideways and making a triangle with your hands and legs.

The hands and legs should be in such a position that the endpoints are touched, and one hand remains in the air stretched tightly against the body. This pose also helps to tone your arms and legs.
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasan)
The Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, also known as the Bridge pose, helps produce metabolism-controlling hormones.

The pose is practiced by taking your chest towards the chin, which massages the thyroid gland. Similar to the chair pose (given below), this pose also helps accelerate metabolism, which helps in reducing and burning more fats.
Additionally, the pose also stimulates the abdominal organs to aid your digestion. You must bend backward and touch the floor with your palms to do this pose.
Chair Pose (Utkatasana)
The Utkatasana, also known as Chair pose, helps in accelerating the metabolic rate. The higher the metabolic rate, the more fats get burned, aiding in weight loss.

The position also tones and provide strength to the thighs and legs. This pose is done by assuming you are sitting on an imaginary chair and stretching your arms upwards.
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
The Bhujangasana, also known as the cobra pose, reduces fats from the abdominal muscles and the stomach region. One should practice regularly to burn your belly fats forever.

For this pose, one should lie on the floor on the abdominal side and stretch your upper body while keeping the force on the palms.
Corpse Pose (Shavasana)
The Shavasana, also called the Corpse pose, allows your body to relax after a heavy workout. In this pose, you should lie down in the posture of a corpse.

This pose also helps you attain a deep, meditative state of rest, which can aid in repairing tissues and stress relief. It also helps reduce blood pressure, insomnia, and anxiety.
These are some of the easiest and best yoga asanas or poses that will help you lose belly fat faster. We recommend the daily practice of these sets of yoga asanas for the best results.
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Author Profile

- Sofia Ali is an analyst by profession who has a love for creativity and enjoys writing on different topics such as engineering, science, history, self-help, healthcare, and much more. Believes strongly in the law of attraction and wants to create a difference in this world with her thoughts.
essie alten says
Well explained. The majority of asanas strike a balance between strength and flexibility, however there are a select few that will most effectively develop your flexibility. I came across another great article about yoga poses. I am attaching a link if anyone is interested. https://pranalink.com/12-effective-yoga-poses-for-flexibility/