Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian design and house architecture philosophy. Even though it is ancient, it is found to be based on scientific principles and aligns with nature. As per this science, the alignment of our surroundings influences our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. In this article, we will see Vastu Shastra’s take on the best direction for bed placement in a bedroom and its impact on sleeping.
Based on researching content from various Vastu experts, here are some useful tips on where to keep your bed and in which direction you should point your head/feet when sleeping.
Best places for bedroom in your house
According to Vastu principles, it is strongly advised to avoid placing the bedroom in the northeast direction. Each direction corresponds to specific elements, and having a bedroom in the northeast is associated with the fire element.
This alignment may lead to conflicts in romantic relationships and cause potential health issues. Thus, adhering to bedroom Vastu recommendations becomes crucial to maintaining harmony.
For optimal Vastu benefits:
- Designate the main or master bedroom in the southwest area.
- Guest and children’s bedrooms can find a harmonious placement in the north-west corner of the house.
Best places for bed placement in a room
- Placing your bed towards the south or west ensures a harmonious energy flow for restful sleep.
- The south, representing the element of fire, radiates warmth and vitality conducive to a peaceful night.
- The west, linked to the water element, fosters emotional equilibrium and calmness during sleep.
Why choose South or West for placing a bed?
The practice of placing the bed in the south or west in Vastu Shastra is rooted in the belief that different directions have varying energies, and aligning oneself with these energies can positively influence well-being. Here are some reasons why placing the bed in the south or west is often recommended:
- South Direction:
- Elemental Association: The south is associated with the fire element. This is believed to bring warmth, energy, and a sense of well-being, promoting restful sleep.
- Stability and Grounding: Sleeping with the head towards the south is thought to align the body with the Earth’s magnetic field, providing a stable and grounding influence during sleep.
- West Direction:
- Elemental Association: The west is linked to the water element. This association is believed to bring a sense of calmness, emotional balance, and a soothing atmosphere to the sleeping space.
- Supportive Energy: Placing the bed in the west is thought to offer support and comfort, enhancing the overall sleep experience.
Aligning Head and Feet

- For the optimal Vastu experience, it’s recommended to align your head towards the south or east, and your feet towards the north or west.
- Sleeping with your head pointing south aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field, promoting a sense of grounding and tranquillity.
- Conversely, east-facing head positions align with the rising sun, symbolizing new beginnings and positive energy.

- If we talk scientifically:
- The Earth’s magnetic field lines run from the south (near the geographical North Pole) to the north (near the geographical South Pole). Some theories suggest that the human body is sensitive to these magnetic fields, and the alignment of the body concerning the Earth’s magnetic north may have subtle impacts on physiological processes.
- When you sleep with your feet pointing north, it is believed that your body’s magnetic field, which is largely influenced by the orientation of the Earth’s magnetic field, might conflict with the natural magnetic flow. This, proponents argue, could potentially lead to disturbances in sleep patterns and a sense of restlessness.
- However, it’s crucial to note that the scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited and not universally accepted. Human bodies are not highly sensitive to the Earth’s magnetic field in the same way that some animals are, and the effects, if any, are likely to be subtle and varied among individuals.
- The Earth’s magnetic field lines run from the south (near the geographical North Pole) to the north (near the geographical South Pole). Some theories suggest that the human body is sensitive to these magnetic fields, and the alignment of the body concerning the Earth’s magnetic north may have subtle impacts on physiological processes.
A simple shift in the direction of your bed can lead to nights of blissful sleep and days full of positive vibes.
To sum it up, following Vastu Shastra for bed placement in your bedroom can bring positive vibes and better sleep. Aligning your bed with the South’s warmth or the West’s calming influence may enhance your overall well-being. Though the recommendation to align your head south or east and feet north or west is rooted in Earth’s magnetic field, scientific evidence is limited. Still, a small change in your bed’s direction might lead to peaceful nights and more positive days.
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