Music is one of the purest forms of art. It is the language of mankind. Doesn’t matter where you are from, it doesn’t matter what you do; you can always connect to another person through music. Your music defines your personality, and if you’re a musician, music is always much more than your profession. In this article, we will see 9 reasons why you or your child should learn a musical instrument.

There are more than enough reasons to learn a musical instrument. It can be one of the best decisions of your life. Here is a list to convince you of the proven fact that there are more reasons to learn a musical instrument than you can count.

1. Relieves stress and anxiety
Music has a calmness to it, it relaxes your mind and body. It shows you a means of living and not just surviving. Listening to music can have a tremendous impact on your mind, especially the slow and soothing kind. After a long day’s work, if you just sit back and listen to some good music, it can lift your mood and spirits alike.
2. Makes you smart and more efficient
It is scientifically proven that music makes you smart. Many studies have found a positive correlation between musical training and academic growth in children and adults. If you look for reasons to learn a musical instrument, you won’t fall short on the list. Music really is magical.
It was also observed that people who played a musical instrument as children were much more likely to be successful in life than those who didn’t.
According to this article, learning music helps improve the executive function of the brain, thus helping in critical tasks like processing and retaining information, decision making, and problem-solving.
Now, it doesn’t mean that you will fail in life if you didn’t study music; what it simply means is that learning a musical instrument improves and enhances your motor and reasoning skills. So, if your parents imposed that piano class on you when you were 11, maybe it was not that bad.
3. Gives you a sense of joy and achievement
Music has a way of saving our souls when nothing is going right in our lives. And lows are a part of life, as much as the highs. Music makes you fulfilled and complete. Playing and succeeding at your instrument gives you huge pride and joy.

And it releases the feel-good hormones in your body. The dopamine rush makes you reach out to your instrument to celebrate a victory or to get you through the night on a cold December evening. Music is magic, music is power, and you won’t know unless you have felt it too.
4. Improves patience through practice
Mastering a musical instrument is not easy. It takes years and sometimes even a lifetime to master an instrument, and still, you won’t know everything. It is an ongoing process, and you keep learning along the way. The practice is a part of the journey and practicing a musical instrument requires a lot of patience. As the saying goes, practice makes a man perfect.

There will be times when it might frustrate you with its complexity, but there will be times when you will feel more alive than ever before when you have worked through it. The first few months are hard, but when you get over that stage, it’s an accomplishment like no other. So, stick to it and keep polishing your craft. Being a musician is a good feeling.
5. Gives you better memory
Playing a musical instrument also gives you a better sense of memory. When you play a musical instrument, you use both sides of your brain- The creative side and the logical side and thus, music strengthens your memory system. There are more than enough reasons to learn a musical instrument. A stronger mind, a powerful conscious, and a skill worth having. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on any of that.
6. Keeps you creative
Practicing music keeps you creative. It is considered one of the most creative practices. Many musicians use music as a means to record their lives and thoughts. They write and compose songs in place of a diary entry. If you listen to music while doing any creative task, chances are that you will do a much better job than otherwise.

If you ever feel blocked or empty while creating, here is a trick that most artists and writers use. If you think that you’re not able to compose, compose whatever comes to your mind, however bad it sounds. After a while, you will rid yourself of all the bad ideas, and this is when the good ideas will start coming in. So, play until you get there, and soon you will find your harmony. The truth is, you can always edit a badly written page, but a blank page cannot be edited. Even if you think you’re doing a terrible job, get it out of your system so you can improve.
7. Builds confidence and gives you an improved social life
Playing a musical instrument helps with building confidence and improved social life. It will rid you of your stage fright, and you will feel much more comfortable in front of large audiences or performing in front of people. You will get used to the performance setting and the people.
Even if you are in a group of friends, playing an instrument can give you social confidence, and you can have a lot of fun with your pals. Happiness is only true when shared, and a bonfire guitarist is always appreciated.
8. Can be a great touch to spice up your love life
The musicianship is such a turn-on in every relationship. When you come to know of the fact that your significant other can play an instrument, it already adds a romantic feature to it. You can have amazing dates and romantic nights over French food and wine.
Music is one of the most romantic art forms. And it makes everything brighter and better. So, surprise your loved ones with a song you composed for them and wait for them to fall head over heels in love with you again.
9. Enhances your listening ability
Music training also trains your ears. It enhances your ability to listen better. Listening is a skill that is often underestimated because we live in a world where it is not rewarded. People only want to speak, and the irony is, that most of them don’t have anything important to say. They repeat the same things over and over and wait for other people to agree with them.

There are many reasons to learn a musical instrument, and listening is one of them. Enhanced listening ability can help you focus better and meditate better. Being a good listener is always a plus to your personality. So, do not ignore the fact that listening is an actual skill.
Art is bliss, and those who practice see the world from a higher spectrum. You can’t relate to the feeling unless you go the same path. And deep down inside, everyone is an artist. It won’t always be easy, it won’t always be soothing. But along the way, you’ll come to understand that there is beauty in the chaos and there’s hope for a better tomorrow. Don’t miss out on such a magical experience. Follow your bliss, paint the world a different kind of beautiful with the beauty inside your soul. The best advice I could give you (and this will go a long way) is, don’t wait for life to happen to you. It’s already happening; go be a part of it. Don’t be afraid to live, be proud to be alive.

So, go join that piano class that you have been dodging for months, and pick up that guitar that is collecting dust in a lonely corner. The time will never be right, the stars won’t align for you to change the course of your life. If you change the course of your life, maybe then the stars will align. So, don’t fool yourself; the time is now because tomorrow never comes.
Thank you so much for reading. We hope that we were able to serve you in some way. If there is something that you would like to add to the article, be sure to mention it in the comments below. If you have a story or an incident about how music helped you get through a tough phase in life, we’d love to hear that as well.
Your feedback is always appreciated. Let us know what kind of posts you would love to read.
Thank you, and have a great day. Keep calm and enjoy life!
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Some sites to take the first step and learn a new musical instrument online:
- Youtube channel to learn piano
- Youtube channel to learn violin
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Author Profile

Lives in India. She dreams to someday settle in the mesmerizing Scotland. Voracious reader, video game lover and media and entertainment true fan.
Writing is her second most favorite thing to do! The first one is playing with her pet dogs and the third one is playing her piano.
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