2020 will surely go down as one of the most important years in Oscar history. It was the first time since the start of the Academy Awards in 1929 that a foreign film won the best picture, and only 11 have ever been nominated. Though the Oscars do catch a lot of heat for their biases (especially in the animated category), a lot of people still consider it to be the highest achievement for anyone in the movie industry. So it was a pleasant surprise when Parasite won the best picture (and Best Director, Best Original Screenplay, Best International Feature Film). The win is even more impressive considering its competition from Quentin Tarantino to Martin Scorsese. All things considered, here are 6 reasons why Parasite won the best picture Oscar award and why you should watch it. (Don’t worry, no spoilers)
1. The Director
The director is one of the if not the most important person in the filmmaking process. A good director can make the best out of even a subpar script. Bong Joon Ho is easily one of the best and most unique directors working today.
All his movies have a special feel; they are distinctly his, just as you can tell it’s a Tarantino movie. All of his films are highly critically acclaimed (yes, all).
Another main thing in his movies is a social message, from Snowpiercer to Okja. And he manages to pull it off without it seeming forced or ham-fisted in any way.
2. The Actors
It is a shame that Song Kang-ho (who plays the father) did not receive any nominations in the acting category. He is one of the best actors in the Korean film industry, mainly famous for his roles as the common everyday man.
Many people define his work with Bong Joon Ho as a great actor-director collaboration. He frequently appears as the lead or a very important supporting actor in his movies.
Both of them have such good chemistry that he has given his best performances in Bong’s films, and Bong has made the best movies with him as the lead.
3. The Impact
There is no denying the impact Parasite will have on the movie industry. Many people have started to notice cinema outside of their comfort zone. A lot more people are now interested in Korean movies.
For him to beat heavy hitters like Tarantino and Scorsese is very encouraging for upcoming directors.
‘Parasite’ is a breakthrough film, and it has won our hearts, along with many awards that were well deserved. Now the directors competing with this masterpiece will bring on their best suits, and none of us can wait for that. The bar is set really high, and there is a lot in store. And our job is once again to be amazed by another mind-blowing film.
Even HBO saw gold with the Parasite and is now making a mini-series based on the Parasite world with Bong as executive producer and will explore stories “that happen in between the sequences in the film.”
Side note his earlier movie Snowpiercer is also coming back as a tv series.
Thus the movie makes an impact by making people aware that there is some great cinema out there in the world that most people have no idea of. And from this movie onwards, people will highly appreciate such works.
It also gives a lot of teachings to the students of filmmaking and lots of things to admire for people who appreciate the nuances and the art of filmmaking.
The movie will leave you awestruck on a personal level, and some of the scenes might make you jumpy too. The film moves you emotionally on many levels. The weak-hearted may prefer to watch it in bits and pieces on their streaming devices, as the suspense is too high in many scenes.
It’s an experience you should not miss.
4. The Cinematography
There’s a reason why everyone on youtube is gushing over the cinematography of this movie and breaking down every little scene. Every frame is so well thought out and so perfectly executed.
From the view of the rain & from the Park family house to them having to descend the mountain to go to their house. It also has one of the best montage scenes of the last decade, showing the best use of this technique.
(Montage is an editing technique in which shots are juxtaposed in an often fast-paced fashion that compresses time and conveys a lot of information in a relatively short period)
5. The Story
Every year there are trends in the movie industry, certain things that are similar between movies, intentional or unintentional.
The story revolves around a poor family trying to benefit from the ultra-rich family and the limits the poor family crosses in deceiving the rich family. The unexpected tense situations they get in are enough to increase your heartbeat while watching the film.
This year, many movies focused on the segregation of people based on the economy and the discrepancy in the distribution of wealth. Another major movie that did the same in 2019 was the US by Jordan Peele (another good movie to look out for).
Parasite manages to tackle all this while telling an unpredictable thriller that unfolds so perfectly that you are surprised at how many things have happened. It is a great example of storytelling at its finest.
6. Overall, its a damn good movie
Keeping the hype and the social messaging aside, it easily is one of the perfect movies of the year; from the basic to the most complicated parts, it works flawlessly, and the score is fantastic, always keeping you on the edge of your seat, it keeps you entertained, keeps you waiting, keeps you thinking all the while telling a compelling and thought-provoking story.
If you watch Parasite and want to see what else Korean cinema has to offer, there are many more good movies that you can check out. Let us know in the comments below if you want us to do that next. We are always here to help you have a good time.
Parasite Trailer Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xH0HfJHsaY
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Author Profile

Lives in India. She dreams to someday settle in the mesmerizing Scotland. Voracious reader, video game lover and media and entertainment true fan.
Writing is her second most favorite thing to do! The first one is playing with her pet dogs and the third one is playing her piano.
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