Cats are like celebrities. We all love to watch their videos and observe their behavior closely. They are mysterious and have an aura of awe around them. They carry themselves as if they have all the wisdom of the world. Now it is time to tap some of that wisdom and use it in our lives. So let us see the 5 quick tips for an awesome life from cats.
1. Stay curious
We are curious as kids, but as we grow up, the natural curiosity begins to wane. We lose interest in the things surrounding us.
But cats are different in this regard. They keep that curiosity level high throughout their life.

Cats are always looking at the world with wonder in their eyes. They love exploring all kinds of new things around them. No wonder their lives always seem very interesting.
How about we rekindle the same curiosity in us? How about reading that book lying in your closet for years? Learning a new dinner recipe? Or exploring the new mall/museum/park in your town?
It will definitely make our lives more lively and fun. So let cats lead us to a more exciting life!
2. Chill more
What does a cat do when she is done playing, eating food, and exploring things around? She will just go into the corner of a room or some secluded place and unwind.
She will take that relaxing nap. Or just sit there, with her eyes half-closed, enjoying the comfort of the place. Moreover, she is not afraid to convert those naps into marathon sessions of sleep.
She knows chilling is one of the most beautiful things in life. It is the recharging of inner batteries to full.
So later, she is in her freshest mood when she takes on the world! In addition to that, she is ready to pounce, jump, explore and play with fantastic vigor and style.

But we humans mostly see chilling as a useless procrastinating act!
Well, well, well! We are missing an essential piece of the puzzle there!
To clarify, chilling is all about enjoying the only life we have. More importantly, it is about revitalizing ourselves to lead that only life properly and happily.
So let’s chill more! If it works for cats, it will work for us!
3. Don’t take life too seriously
What do we think about the most? Most people are either thinking about their past or worrying about their future!
We worry about that small mistake we made the other day, about which we will not even care about the next month. We worry about future events and ruin our precious present moments. All these worries achieve nothing good for us.
Life is beautiful and abundant. Life always offers us everything we need or desire at the right time. Except when we worry too much! And somehow, cats know this!

They don’t keep thinking about their last fight with the dog. Nor do they care if you had denied them access to something they wanted.
Cats do not hold grudges against us or anybody.
Also, they don’t worry if they will get food the next day. Because they believe in life, they somehow know that things will always fall into place.
So why do we get so serious about life? Why do we think so much about our past mistakes and other people’s behavior toward us?
Let us leave such petty things behind and enjoy the day as it comes. How about approaching our life like cats with a clean new slate every day?
Let us start every new day with a clean, happy heart, just like cats do!
4. Play/Exercise
What is common between domestic cats and modern-day humans? Well, we both spend a lot of time sitting in one place. We both have very few reasons to move/walk a lot these days.
But cats have not let this modern lifestyle affect their health. They make a point to play, pounce, and chase things around, even in a small space. Daily!

Suddenly, they feel the pent-up energy is getting too much to hold. And off they are, playing and running from one room to another. And sometimes they urge us to play with them. They absolutely love it. A day spent playing for some time is a ‘day well spent ‘ in their dictionary.
On the other hand, what do most of us do? We just enjoy watching the cat play and, on top of that, call her crazy.
Actually, she is being smart and keeping herself fit. This thing is a vital thing we can learn from cats.
We must strike a balance between sedentary work, chilling, and exercise. Our bodies are meant for movement. So make sure to sweat daily, either through exercise or through some physical games.
5. Take care of yourself
Most cats clean themselves whenever they get a second off their fascinating world. Why shouldn’t they? They must take care of the no. 1 important being in their lives: themselves!
They love to stay tip-top all the time! Cats are obsessed with cleanliness and hygiene. It looks like ‘Prevention is better than cure ‘ is their motto.

We must learn this quality from cats. We generally do our part in keeping our house and our bodies clean.
Now, how about going a step further? How about grooming ourselves, smelling pleasant, and dressing well? Well, these things have already become high-priority stuff in my routine. What about you?
To conclude, cats constantly inspire us to lead an awesome, interesting, and fulfilling life. So, what lessons are you taking from the amazing world of cats? Let us know in the comments section! My cat will love to hear from you.
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Author Profile

Lives in Maharashtra, India. Interested in so many things ranging from the law of attraction to the stock market, from sports to technology, and from nature to astronomy.
Living a life inspired mostly by gut instincts. Regular meditator.
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kshitij says
good one keep it up
varun gupta says
thanks for sharing this tips