2019 gave us some really great shows, and there is a good reason why you shouldn’t miss them. For starters, they are easy to follow and easier to get into. And they all share some unique and thought-provoking ideas in the form of good humor and a better storyline.
Here is a list of some of the best shows from the year 2019. And you should definitely give them a try. Keep reading to know which of them are for you. Also, there are no spoilers, so you don’t need to worry about ruining your TV series if you haven’t yet seen any.
1. Fleabag
Fleabag is a comedy show about a young woman trying to cope with the hassles of everyday life in the city of London. It is a show about a dry-witted angry woman who tries to deal with tragedy by rejecting everyone who tries to help her.
The show is excellent; it revolves around a single character called fleabag. Fleabag is one of the best-written characters of all time. The depth of her character needs to be understood through different dimensions rather than one.
We see the entire show from the perspective of the main character. She reveals angles to her personality that we had not expected. The show uses perspective to structure the whole story.
It is not a very big series; you can ideally complete it in one sitting. It has two seasons with six episodes each, and each episode is approximately 25 minutes long.
Season two of fleabag aired in March 2019. It is an award-winning mini-series and when it comes to being entertained, just know that all those awards were well earned.
2. Barry
Barry is a strange show but in a good way. It is about a guy named Barry, a professional assassin who accidentally discovers his real passion is acting. So, he joins an acting class to follow his dreams.
He is a very skilled killer, but he is a terrible actor. The show is as brutal as it is funny. He wants to be good at acting because of the fact that he really likes it and that all that killing has made him lose a part of himself. It is definitely a show worth watching; it is a perfect projection of comedy and action.
The show has two seasons with eight episodes each, and the main character Barry is played by Bill Hader. It is an engaging series with a unique storyline. So, there is a good chance that you would not regret watching Barry. It is an award-winning show, and you will soon discover why if you choose to watch it.
3. Succession
Succession is one of the most hilarious shows you will ever watch. It is a business comedy. So, you would really like this show if you are a business person.
The basic theme of the show is that the Logan family is widely known to control the world’s biggest media and entertainment giant.
The story revolves around who would inherit the company after the father retires. The father feels that he is growing old and will have to retire soon. So, he tells his three sons and daughter to prove themselves.
The sons are terrible and stupid, and none of them can run the company. The daughter seems most capable of actually being able to handle the company. But she is the youngest of her siblings, so proving herself to her father also becomes challenging.
However, watching them try to win their father over is entertaining and amusing. It is another award-winning show with two seasons with ten episodes each. Succession is a brilliant show, and it is definitely worth your time.
4. Chernobyl
Chernobyl is a mini-series with just five episodes in total. The theme is based on one of the worst man-made disasters ever faced by humanity—the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of 1986.
The show is considered one of the best TV shows of not just the year but the entire decade.
It tells the story of an actual incident, and it will send a shiver down your spine. The show is about how enormous the damage really was and how it influenced humanity everywhere. People who lived to tell about it never really recovered. The show’s pilot episode is one of the most captivating episodes of all time.
The show is pretty heavy, though, and for a good reason. It can sometimes get rough to imagine what those people went through.
For some audiences, it may be too much even to watch. But it was important from the show’s perspective to illustrate the actual image of the severity of the problem. But the show is great; it has great actors, excellent background score, and great storytelling. Everything about the show is mind-blowing.
Chernobyl mini-series is the perfect mix of entertainment, information, justice, and tribute. It is one of those shows that you should absolutely watch and will change how you view media content. You would have a newfound respect for the TV industry.
5. Killing Eve
Killing Eve is a show about two brilliant women trying to catch each other, one a professional spy and the other a psycho killer.
Two show seasons have been released with eight episodes; their characters are so well written that you would not know which one to root for. You probably would not have seen a cat and mouse game quite like this one. The show’s cast is lovely; all the actors are skilled and impressive.
It may seem to you like any other scripted and cliched story, but that is so not the case. The authenticity and originality of the show are what make it stand out. You definitely should not be missing out on this gem.
These TV/Stream shows can be a great fit to make you view life from a different perspective while being entertained. They have excellent writers, directors, and a fantastic cast. The colors of the TV/Stream can brighten your life in a lot of ways. Especially if you are interested in storytelling, screenwriting, direction, or anything related, consuming this content can be more than just an amusement for you. And if that is the case, it means you should consume as much content as possible.
Thank you so much for reading our recommendations for 2019 shows you shouldn’t miss. We hope you found them exciting and something you may not have watched yet. If you have something that you would like to add to the article, be sure to mention it in the comments below. If you have more shows to add to the list, we would also love that.
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Thank you, and have a fun day!
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Author Profile

Lives in India. She dreams to someday settle in the mesmerizing Scotland. Voracious reader, video game lover and media and entertainment true fan.
Writing is her second most favorite thing to do! The first one is playing with her pet dogs and the third one is playing her piano.
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