When I was ten years old, I sometimes saw my uncle sitting in silence for 15-30 minutes. And I used to think, how can someone sit for even 5 minutes to do nothing? That was the most senseless and boring activity anyone could do. Fast forward 20 years, and here I am telling you the main benefits of meditation.
Meditation has taken the biggest jump in importance on my daily activity list. It has climbed from the most useless activity to the most important one. Meditation has become as important for my mind as bathing is for my body.
Okay, so here is the compiled list of the 15 main benefits of meditation:
1. Relaxes your mind
A human mind these days is home to continuous thought hurricanes. When one leaves, another three occupy its place, sapping our energies. We are constantly thinking about either the past or brooding about the future.
Our brains have become like computers with too many applications opened simultaneously. It puts immense stress on the mind.
It results in tension and irritability and impacts our peace of mind. No wonder our brains sometimes go into a hang state, where we feel we are breaking down.
Meditation is the art of reducing the speed of these thought hurricanes and eventually dissipating them. Meditation aims to give a break to the mind from this energy-consuming chatter.
As the mind takes a break, it slowly experiences relaxation. Initially, it may be difficult, as we are not used to it. But if we keep doing it a few minutes daily, you will experience some sort of calm and freshness within a week.
It is like stopping all the unnecessary background processes or restarting your computer. If we do this daily and keep cleaning the background processes, our minds will rarely go into a hang state.
2. Reduces anxiety and helps tackle depression
This point is an extension of the above point. Most people in today’s world are under a lot of stress. Primarily due to work pressures, unhealthy lifestyle, constant online distractions, competition, etc.
Also, there is a lot of negativity and unhealthy expectations of oneself. Today people are chasing more material stuff than ever before.
Some of that they probably don’t even need or want. If they don’t get what they want, it may lead to anxiety. And too much of that can lead to depression too.

Meditation helps us to re-center our perspectives. It helps us get rid of the negative chatter in our minds. With fewer negative thoughts daily, anxiety is reduced.
And on a long-term basis, it can also help depressed people come completely out of depression and fill them with lasting optimistic thoughts.
3. Better clarity and more focus
Nothing is more beautiful than the clarity of the mind! Clarity about where you are and where you want to go. Remember those good times when you say, “Yeah, I know what I am doing!” Then you go and do it.
Successful people have one thing in common: they are extremely clear on what they want to achieve. It helps them to focus better and take concrete steps towards their goals.
Meditation is the best way to achieve that clarity. When the unnecessary distracting thoughts are cleared, your mind finally becomes free to focus sharply on the most important stuff in the present.
And where focus goes, energy flows. With intense focus comes immense productivity. Thus we can achieve a lot of things that are important to us.
For instance: Before meditation, you might be worried about your promotion, work profile, or the way your boss treats you. But after meditation, you may cut all the clutter and focus on what you want.
So in the above case, maybe all you want is a better salary or job satisfaction. Once that is clear for you, you will take important steps in that direction instead of cribbing or worrying.
Probably you will change the way you work or change your job or just quit and do something of your own, rather than the earlier constant complaining, which took you nowhere.
Thus, meditation helps you clarify what things are important to you and eventually helps you better focus on them.
4. Sleep better
There are different types of brain waves: alpha, beta, gamma, delta, and theta. It is known that most of the time, beta waves are highly active. They are caused by the constant thoughts running wild in our minds. They lead to stress and worry.
It is these waves that also affect our sleep. They never let the mind be calm, and calmness of mind is vital for quick and sound sleep.

As per this study published on www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, meditation helps reduce these beta waves and helps produce the alpha waves and other calm waves.
As per scientificamerican.com, alpha waves are slower waves primarily associated with a relaxed or non-arousal state. They help with the lowering of blood pressure and heart rate. These relaxing waves help in inducing sleep.
So next time you face sleep issues, calm that mind out with meditation and enjoy a night of better and quicker sleep.
5. Resolves cardiac and respiratory issues
High blood pressure and stress are two primary of the many other causes of cardiac issues. Also, anxiety is known to cause breathing problems that cause more anxiety, thus causing a vicious loop of problems.
As per this study published on journals.lww.com, meditation helps lower blood pressure and anxiety.
Regular meditation helps keep these two things under control and thus helps patients with cardiac and respiratory issues lead a normal life.
6. Improvement in relationships
Most of the time, when we are not in a good mood, we blame other people around us. When we are anxious, even minor things irritate us. It leads to strained relationships.
Meditation helps us eliminate the negative mood and re-instate the good mood. It makes us more patient and happier.
Our blood pressure also stays under control, thus mitigating the risk of any kind of panic and a sudden burst of anger.
Meditation makes us more aware of ourselves and our precious life. Thus we try to live more peacefully and happily.

Instead of showing anger or displeasure, we try to solve interpersonal issues with more understanding and calmness.
It makes us a very pleasant person to be around. No wonder our relationships become more fun and fulfilling.
7. Healing power
I believe that everything first happens in thoughts. So when we fall sick, it must also be due to negativity in our thoughts.
Mainly, people who are constantly worrying or thinking negative thoughts attract negative experiences and fall sick more often.
And when they fall sick, they finally have to consult doctors and take medicines. During such times, doctors and relatives, along with medicines, re-instate their belief system and good feelings, and eventually, they recover.
But what if we regularly get rid of the negative thoughts and stress? What if we make it a priority to keep our moods positive and fresh daily or weekly? It will keep the doctors away.
Meditation can help us do that. Even people who are sick can practice meditation and calm their minds. It can certainly help their bodies and spirits recover faster.
According to the article on eocinstitute.org, meditation helps the body get into a happy and relaxed state. Our immune system responds to the happy state by becoming stronger and multiplying white blood cells, attacking cancerous cells, and fighting infection, thus leading to faster healing.
Meditation thus has healing power and the power to make our immune systems more robust.
8. Getting rid of drug and alcohol dependence
Why do people take drugs and alcohol? I feel it is for two reasons: to escape their lives’ problems and get high.
Well, meditation is probably the only legal and natural drug that helps us effectively get rid of disturbing thoughts.
It also gets us in a happy, relaxed state, which is way better than any other high known to cause health hazards.
So if you or someone you know is addicted to such substances, it is time to try meditation and slowly get healthier, happier, and more productive in a healthy way.
9. Less serious and more playful
As you meditate, you begin to let go of trivial life issues and become aware of the bigger picture. You understand that you have got only one life here.

You realize what a beautiful blessing it is to live on this beautiful colorful planet. So you become less serious and start enjoying the little things that this world has to offer. It makes you more joyful and playful.
With regular meditation, you can go back to being child-like in terms of fun and happiness while at the same time sage-like in terms of wisdom and mindfulness. A beautiful combination, isn’t it?!
10. Memory improvement
Most of the time, people forget cause they are not in the present. They hear the names but do not listen. They keep things in places that they will forget later.
Such people also miss the important steps in any activity. All these things happen because they are thinking about something else. They are not present.
Meditation teaches us to live in the present moment. Thus we listen better, are more aware of what we are doing, and rarely miss any important part of any activity. Thanks to the increased focus and mindfulness.
11. Emotional Stability
I am not saying that after doing meditation, you will never get angry or sad. But I assure you that you will be more aware of those rare down moments and will be better able to handle them.
You will probably realize that this anger will not serve you in the long run. Thus you will quickly choose a more peaceful way of handling things.
Basically, you will know when you are falling down emotionally. Hence you will be able to catch yourself in time and avoid any further harm, which might cause you to repent later.
12. Slows down aging
The primary reasons for early aging are stress, anger, and a tense lifestyle. With regular meditation, you will experience prolonged peace of mind, keeping your mind, body, and spirit lively.
No wonder you will feel fresh, spirited, and young from the inside. Thus, you will age slower.
As per this study published on www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, meditation reduces stress and thus slows the rate of cellular aging.
13. Intuition and impulses
Meditation is known to help us connect with our deep inner souls. It will increase your ability to listen to your gut instincts more clearly.
You will get interesting impulses to do some particular things. These things will give you immense satisfaction. And you will wonder why you never thought of doing them before.
E.g., suddenly, at the end of the meditation, you may feel like reading about something interesting or calling someone or going to someplace, which will take you on a whole new fulfilling journey.
14. Glow in the skin and positive demeanor
It is hard to prove, but it is said that as you meditate, you will give out positive vibrations. It gives you a radiant appearance and a very positive and interesting aura.

You will also experience a positive change in how the world treats you. As we know, positive vibes attract positive experiences.
15. Meaning to life
People who meditate regularly have a clear purpose in life. They are not following the herd or chasing money just to make money. They are inspired to do things they genuinely care about and enjoy doing.
The purpose can be anything. It may be some hobby that makes them happy, or it may be sharing their knowledge with the world or solving essential problems.
Regular meditators take every decision with a clear mind. Their thoughts are not muddled with negativity or expectations of the external world. It gives their life meaning and fills their life with true happiness.
In conclusion, we can say meditation is a simple activity but with profound benefits. We all pay attention to the body’s hygiene but rarely care that much about the hygiene of the mind. Meditation is cleansing the mind and removing negative thoughts. Some people have not cleansed their minds for decades. No wonder they experience confusion, anxiety, and sometimes depression. Let us meditate as often as possible and keep our minds and spirits fresh and clean.
Our bodies need movement, and our minds need stillness. But in today’s world, we do the opposite. We sit most of the time while our minds continuously race at full throttle. Let us give our minds a rest and do regular servicing to reap the full benefits of this one beautiful life.
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- https://eocinstitute.org/meditation/meditation-effects-in-post-operative-healing/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5261734/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3057175/
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Author Profile

Lives in Maharashtra, India. Interested in so many things ranging from the law of attraction to the stock market, from sports to technology, and from nature to astronomy.
Living a life inspired mostly by gut instincts. Regular meditator.
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Meditation Center Chicago says
Meditation improves brain plasticity. A study of mindfulness meditation practitioners showed an increase in the number of neurons in the brain’s hippocampus [related to learning and memory] and a reduction in the volume of the amygdala [related to anxiety and stress] after just eight weeks.
@feelgoodnow247 says
Wow. That is a great benefit with the scientific reason behind it. Thanks for sharing.
Michael Maharishi says
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trix says
Indeed meditation is very beneficial to all and I like it esp. it trigger flow or it fame to know as ZONE. It is where you have happiness on dealing challenging tasks or situation in life. Like an athlete who plays in the last minute where you have pressures but you are aiming to reach the goal and then it’s like the time is freezing because you move more faster on it. But anyway, you can read more about flow here in C Wilson Meloncelli website where you can find more interesting topics here.
Michaela Hemsley says
I like that you said that meditation can help you cut all the clutter in your mind and focus on what your goals are or what you need to do. I am thinking about trying to meditate more because I think that it would help me achieve my goals easier and I think that it would help with my overall mental health as well. I think that to help me get started it might be smart to look into meditation music that can help me get into the right mindset so that I can be more successful.
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