Many people rarely travel in their life. Some spend years or even decades in the same small setting. They get through each day commuting on the same route, interacting with the same familiar people, and living the same monotonous way. They miss entirely the 16 interesting rewards of traveling, which we will see in this article.
Some people’s lives are so monotonous that you would not be able to differentiate one day from the other. Now there is nothing wrong with that. However, if these people get the chance to read this article and understand the rewards of traveling to new places, they may give traveling a chance. They will be surprised to know what they are missing in life.
In this article, we will see 16 interesting rewards of traveling, which will enrich your life as no other thing can! If you know anyone who doesn’t travel much, please share this article with them and check what they feel after reading it. Suppose you are that person who hates traveling; congrats because you are in the right place. Get ready to break the monotony and let in some fantastic experiences.
Here are the 16 interesting rewards of traveling:
1. Traveling creates sweet memories:
What will you take with you after you die? Your beautiful house? Your money? That shining car? Or maybe your beautiful branded clothes? Well, you know you will not be able to take any of that with you. Probably the only thing you may be able to take with you is your memories.
On your deathbed, you will not think about how much money you have made, all the material you have collected, or how hard you worked for your employer! The only thing you will prefer to do is to revisit your pleasant memories on this planet because they have the power to bring a sense of satisfaction and a smile to your face on having experienced this beautiful life on this beautiful planet!
For example, the memory of the stunning sunset you saw on that beautiful beach in the Maldives with your friends or your lover will bring that ‘sweet feeling’ in your heart. Probably only second to the memory of the day of your marriage or the day of your child’s birth.
Also, the memory of the heavenly white Swiss Alps standing tall behind the cute romantic cottages and the lush greenery has the power to refresh your soul instantly!
So, eventually, it is all about joy, fun, and memories. And traveling is fun and creates some of the most amazing fun memories.
2. Creativity
Most humans live a very dull life. It is hard to get any inspiration to create something extraordinary in such a boring life.
That is why many successful authors and musicians love to write books or music in wonderful splendid surroundings.

Probably a house in the mountains, a beautiful cottage by the lake, or a luxury hotel near the beach. These stunning settings offer a lot of inspiration for us, which we hardly tap.
So, escape into some spectacular, heavenly place and see what muses or inspirations are offered to you! Creativity boost is one of the most interesting rewards of traveling.
3. Problem-solving and communication skills
Travelers are constantly in unfamiliar circumstances. There is a lot of unpredictability regarding experiences, transport, food, hotels, and people. This unpredictability forces them to make spontaneous decisions to make better choices every step of the way.
This teaches them new things about the place and sharpens their intellect and people skills.
I can say with confidence that frequent travelers are generally calmer in adversities. They don’t see problems as problems; they see them as challenges. They know they can easily get through them and have unique experiences, lessons, and thrills along the way.
Traveling makes them extremely good with people over time. They learn to identify the character of people in an instant, and they master the art of communication and connection with people.
Traveling is especially beneficial to young people or kids, as they become smarter and more competent by solving real-world problems. They also grow to be more open-minded and tolerant personalities as they get to interact with diverse cultures and different kinds of people.
4. Exercise
This one is my favorite reward for traveling. As travelers, we have to walk or change modes of transport constantly. We are so engrossed in absorbing the beauty and magic of the new place that we do not even notice how many miles we have walked. This exercise is ten times better and longer cardio than the one we force ourselves to do in the gym.

As per this study published on, active traveling leads to greater physical activity.
Traveling keeps us in shape and fully fit for life. They say an apple a day keeps the doctor away; I say the hobby of traveling keeps the unfit body away!
What an interesting benefit of traveling! Why join the gym when you can travel and have fun instead?
Of course, we are assuming you are not making a huge change to your normal diet during traveling.
Because if you are walking a lot more than usual but if you are also eating a lot of unhealthy food three times a day and also having sugary or unhealthy drinks, then you can ignore this traveling benefit.
5. Food, Flora, and Fauna
There are so many varieties of food, plants, and animals on our planet that we will never experience or see them all for real in one lifetime. But that should not stop us from experiencing as much as we can.
There are so many dishes all around the world that are all waiting to become your next favorite dish. So many plant and animal species on this colorful planet are all waiting to mesmerize, entertain, and surprise you!
So next time, when you decide to travel and meet them all, say my ‘hi’ to them!
6. Bonding with family or friends
I remember the times when I went on a school trip when I was a teenager. It was super fun not only while we were traveling and enjoying the trip but also years later whenever we talked about it.
The trip created some amazing fun stories we like to return to whenever we meet. Be it our embarrassing but fun tales that almost make us roll on the floor with laughter, or the stories of the interesting problems we faced on the trip and how we eventually solved them. These shared experiences have made our friendship stronger, memorable, and unique.
Similar is the case when we are on a trip with our family—lots of fun and learning.
Traveling offers opportunities for some great family stories, inside jokes, and unique bonding opportunities.

In addition, during such trips, children discover how much their parents care for them and believe in them. They also learn that they have a meaningful say in the various decisions on the trip.
On the other hand, parents are pleasantly surprised to see how their children take responsibility, contribute to the planning and offer some genius solutions from time to time.
According to this literature review abstract on, traveling with family helps improve communications within a relationship, reduce the possibility of divorce, strengthen lifelong family bonds, and increase a sense of well-being in adults and children.
7. Refreshing yourself by breaking the monotony
Most people today have a fairly busy life. Maybe you are working at a corporate job, or you are a very busy student juggling a lot of other responsibilities, or you run your own business. You may love and enjoy whatever you do. But every kind of work still needs a break to refuel.
Travel offers that perfect break to refill your enthusiasm and creativity juices to begin the next sprint of your work.
It’s like allowing your work mindset to sleep for a while. So when you return to work, it is fresh and ready to pounce on the study/tasks. Thus traveling indirectly helps us do high-quality work with great productivity and stunning results.
According to this Harvard Business Review article, if you take 11 or more of your vacation days, you are more than 30% more likely to receive a raise.
8. Learning another language and cultural sensitivity
A traveler understands the importance of knowing another local language. When you go abroad and speak the local language, people love you. Because that is one of the highest forms of respect, you can give to them and their culture.
So people warm up instantly and are ready to go out of their way to help you have a great travel experience.
Also, as you travel you observe the culture closely. You understand their way of life, motivations, and inspirations.
You learn why they do what they do and many other things. It makes you admire the variety of cultures and their importance on earth and gives you new perspectives on human psychology.
Thus you develop a newfound cultural sensitivity whenever you interact with people from different cultures.
9. Interesting travel stories
People love listening to travel stories as most people live in tiny bubbles and have no idea of the world beyond those bubbles.
Most are even afraid to leave their city, state, or country. Listening to travel stories or watching travel shows is their only source to know about these new places.
So, when you travel, you keep adding interesting travel stories to your arsenal to entertain and satisfy other people’s curiosities!

These stories serve a great purpose in parties, speeches, presentations, dates, and meetings! And makes you a very interesting and likable person to hang out with.
10. Becoming more open to miracles of life
When you travel, sometimes, things don’t go exactly as per your schedule. Most travelers are okay with it.
He or she knows one may need to alter the course slightly, and that can actually lead them to something interesting. Because I believe that when things don’t go as per your plan, they are going by God’s plan. God or some magical force or universe or destiny, whatever you like to call it.
You realize that the universe is trying to surprise and delight you in unexpected ways. And you become more and more open to it.
You begin to follow your guts and feelings to some magical experiences and interactions and places. And you realize life is full of fun miracles!
For example: Maybe you will miss your train and have to take a local car to reach the planned destination. And along the way, you meet some amazing humans who suggest new places to visit on your trip there, which are unknown to general tourists. And when you see these suggested places, you have the time of your life there!
Maybe you will behold some beautiful scenery, see some interesting animals, or have great fun at the local festival with the local people. Or who knows, you will have the most delicious food you would ever eat!
Life is full of miracles! All we have to do is learn to expect them.
11. A renewed appreciation of your home setting
Most people crib about their life, city, family, etc. But when they travel to new places, they begin to miss the same things.
They realize the positive aspects of their place and their city. The importance of their family in making their life fun and easy becomes clear to them. They learn how much their friends love, trust, and care for them.
So when they return, they crib less and appreciate their home settings and family members more! An interesting reward for traveling!
12. New unique tips, tricks, and lifehacks
The more you do something; you begin to realize the subtleties which can make all the difference. E.g., a chef who has been in the business for decades can tell you precisely what ingredient is missing by tasting the food just once. He knows when and where to buy a particular quality item or how to judge the quality of raw vegetables, spices, and other things needed to make that unique, delicious dish.
The same is the case with travel. You get to know these small tips and tricks which can make a huge difference in your travel experiences and costs.
You also keep learning about such tips from fellow travelers you meet along the way. E.g., you come to know when is the good month to visit that beautiful destination, when to buy the airplane tickets at maximum discounts, and where and how to book your stay.
And you will be surprised to know that these tricks you gather as you travel more often sometimes cut your travel costs by more than half and make your trips an enjoyable and smooth experience.
Also, you learn new life hacks and ways of doing something as you travel to different places and then carry that learning to your hometown.
E.g., I saw a fellow traveler lady using lots of small plastic clips to close the half-eaten food/snacks/wafers packets. I liked the idea, and now I have many spare clips for the same purpose in my home.
Of course, the above example is very specific and your learnings may differ vastly.
Such mini lifehacks make a lot of difference in our daily lives and are great rewards for all the journeys taken.
13. New authentic friends all over the world
When you are traveling, you are exposing yourself to the unknown surrounding and unknown people. You are no longer in your familiar environment. You are on other people’s land. It makes you slightly vulnerable but, at the same time, very authentic. You don’t take anything for granted when you interact with people in this new country.
All your curiosities and talks are raw and authentic. It is especially true when you don’t know the local language properly. Thus you are communicating on the most basic levels of communication, i.e., using your gestures, body language, expressions, and voice tone.
This thing brings up the genuineness in the other people too. And you realize that you make some real authentic connections in a few minutes, which doesn’t usually happen in your home settings. Sometimes you remember these people forever, and some of them become friends and stay in touch with you for the rest of your life.
14. Proper sleeping schedule
Everyone nowadays is addicted to their devices. They sleep with the devices in their hands and spend time on them till like 3 am and sometimes more. This habit has led to widespread disturbance of the natural sleeping schedules.
But when we travel, most of our travel itineraries start in the morning. And throughout the day, we are very busy visiting and enjoying beautiful places. We are constantly having so much fun in the real world that we don’t feel the need to spend time on social media.

Also, at the end of the day, we are pleasantly tired from all the walking and enjoying and admiring the new places the whole day, and we are immediately ready to get into the dreamy world of sleep after our dinner.
More than the tiredness, we are excited about what the next day has in store for us.
Thus our sleeping schedules get repaired. We get the required proper sleep at night, so we continue having amazing experiences the next day as we are fresh and fully awake.
Of course, we are not considering the initial jetlag due to the flight travel as it is a temporary thing that gets ironed out in a few days.
15. Get through a difficult time fast
We, humans, are emotional beings. Life sometimes brings experiences that hurt us and makes us sad, and that’s okay. But what is not okay is staying in that hurt feeling longer than we should.
According to this article from, traveling may not completely heal the heartbreak, but it does help repair faster.
When they are hurt, most people spend their weeks and months brooding on the same topic day in and day out. However, we should focus on other interesting stuff as much as possible to quickly get over it. And yes, I know, it is hard.
However, when you are traveling, you are in a completely different setting. There is so much new to absorb, look at, and experience that you hardly have time to brood on the negative experience.

Slowly you realize that days have passed, the weeks have passed, and so has the hurt feeling. And you become a happier, loving, and optimistic soul once again within a shorter time!
So I feel traveling is a great way to get through difficult times fast.
16. You discover new interests, hobbies, and jobs
As you are traveling, you learn some interesting hobbies along the way. Most travelers develop an interest in photography and eventually become masters of travel photography. It helps them earn extra income through stock photography.
Some magazines also hire travel photographers and writers; thus, they earn additional income for doing the things they love.
And nowadays, youtube has offered another platform to share travel vlogs and earn additional revenue.
Also, people learn various new recipes, and some may even develop a strong interest in cooking, which is a great and valuable hobby, no matter where you live.
Moreover, some travelers stumble upon some unique jobs which one gets to know only when they travel to that particular unknown place. A sort of win-win situation for employer and employee.

Some get business inspiration for their new product, which will solve the next big problem in their home country. Or you may meet your new future employees, new business partners, or maybe your soulmate. The possibilities and rewards of traveling are endless.
So there you go, we saw the16 interesting and amazing rewards of traveling. I am sure you are already inspired to travel and take that first step in the direction of visiting your favorite destination.
We hope this article will be the tipping point of your travel experiences. Let us know in the comments below what other rewards you think traveling offers or any traveling experience you want to share with the fellow readers.
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Author Profile

Lives in Maharashtra, India. Interested in so many things ranging from the law of attraction to the stock market, from sports to technology, and from nature to astronomy.
Living a life inspired mostly by gut instincts. Regular meditator.
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