You may have seen people complain about the rain and its gloom. But there are good parts too. Rain can make you feel good in many ways. It gives you that extra little window of time for yourself. According to this article from, rain makes us as happy as sunshine.

Sometimes, it’s almost as good as a government holiday. Besides, you should always look at the positive side of things; by looking at the bad parts, you’re only hurting yourself. Life always happens to you, so you might as well enjoy it.
1. Give you extra time
Rainy days give you time. Giving yourself some me-time is really important, and our busy lifestyles can come in the way of that.

At the end of the day, you’re just a human being. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Get a good book and coffee, and give yourself time to recover and relax.
Rain disrupts the functioning of everyday life, and sometimes that’s a good thing. Time is all that matters; give yourself time. Sometimes you should just sit back in your chair and let your imagination run wild.
2. Can be soothing for your skin
Rain can make you feel good physically by soothing your sunburn and making you feel calm and relaxed. Sun can be hard on you; rain can give you a break from that.
Rainwater does not have any ill effects on your body. If human activities such as pollution and chemical exhaust in your area have the potential to contaminate the rain, you should practice caution. But for the most part, rainwater is a good thing.
It’s refreshing and clean, and it rejuvenates your body along with your soul. So, if it’s not too cold, walking in the rain can be a good thing.
If you have a pet, having a play day outdoors in the rain can be a picnic for both of you. Life is short; live while you still can.
3. Make you creative
The ambiance of the rain is one of the best things about it. It allows you to be creative with your time by creating that artistic vibe around you.
It can inspire you to write, draw, paint, or whatever your craft is. Rain can make you feel good, alive, and grateful.

The artists are often inspired by nature, so unleash your creativity with the falling rain. Even if you think you’re not an artist, don’t hold yourself back.
Art is never perfect; art is just art. And everyone is an artist. Don’t label yourself that you can’t do it; all you need to do is remember to have fun.
Everything else will take care of itself. So, pick up that notebook, brush, pen, laptop, guitar, whatever it is, and set your heart free. You won’t regret the experience.
4. Bring you closer to nature
When it’s raining, you get to feel nature up close. The sound of thunder, the lightning streaks in the sky, the water pouring down, everything is happening in real-time.

Many animals come out in the rain, and you can see them up close. The wildlife is comparatively closer, and it is always beautiful to look at.
It can be hard to find something like that in a city, so you should be thankful for the rain. The atmosphere of the rain can be magical if you choose to look at it.
5. Have a low maintenance mini holiday
If you spend the entire day indoors, you don’t have to worry about getting your hair right or wearing that formal dress you wear to work every day.
You can relax and meditate. Eat good food, and read that book you’ve been delaying for weeks. Smile a little more and have a mini-vacation in the mesmerizing weather.
6. The Ambiance of the rain
The ambiance of the rain is almost precious. It has that healing element to it. Even watching the rain hit the window pane can feel soothing. It gives you that cool and relaxing feel.
Not to mention the smell of rain. The smell of rain is one of the best things about it. It gives you that earthly feel and relaxes your mind and body alike.
Petrichor, the pleasant smell accompanying the first rain after a long warm, and dry weather, is enough to lift our spirits and make us feel grateful for the rain and nature.
And the way wind carries it everywhere is just magical. Rain can make you feel good to the core of your heart with the smell of the earth and a touch of the sky.
7. Binge on Netflix
It is the perfect time to eat warm snacks and snuggle in a cozy blanket all day while binge-watching Netflix. You can watch that TV show you always wanted to watch but never had enough time to devote to it.
Well, the opportunity has found you itself. The kind of fulfillment you get by watching one episode after the other is seldom matched.

The rain is one of those times you can watch TV all day without feeling guilty about it. Choose to be happy in the wildest storms; everything else will soon fall into place.
8. Pause and reflect
City life is always bustling. There is always too much going on all the time. The city never sleeps. But when the rain falls, things are quiet for some time.
It gives you that window of time to pause and reflect. To see how far you’ve come and how far you will still go. It gives you hope and the reason to keep going forward.
Life can be cruel sometimes; rain gives you the pause to get yourself together and regain your strength. Life is not a race, but it sure is a journey, and a long one at that. So, enjoy every bit of it.
9. Poodles to jump in
After the rain, the sky is a gorgeous view. If you walk after it has rained, everything looks bright and clean. The air is still heavy with moisture and has a cool sensation. But the best part is the poodles.

The streets and surroundings are filled with countless poodles, and everyone likes to jump in poodles. It brings out the little child in you who grew up too fast in the name of responsibilities.
Rain gives you the chance to be the innocent little child again, where you don’t care about your clothes getting dirty or how you will look to the people who pass you by on the street.
At that moment, you just laugh in the innocence of a young mind free to rule the world. And that’s one of the most powerful things you can ever feel.
10. A perfect romantic evening
A lot of poets and authors romanticize rain, and for a good reason. Rain is one of the most romantic kinds of weather. Everyone dreams of kissing their significant other in the rain.
Running and laughing in the storm with the love of your life is a dream that everyone wants to live. Or have a home date with good food and comfortable blankets with a lot of cuddling.
You can have a really passionate time with your lover and bond. It can be a pleasant and memorable experience for both of you.
Little things matter, and you should never forget to enjoy the little things. The best things in life are free, after all.
11. Everyone loves a rainbow
A rainbow signifies hope and compassion. After the storm, when the sun still shines, the colors in the sky give you the hope to keep moving ahead.

It can be really important to have your faith restored when nothing is going right. But if you remember that there’s always a rainbow at the end of a storm, the fact that the light at the end of the tunnel remains, carrying your baggage becomes a little bit easier.
And isn’t that what we live for? Little pockets of happiness.
So, always remember to smile in the face of a rainbow. If things aren’t going right, don’t lose hope. Smile in the face of adversity. In the end, the world only rewards the ones who face everything with a smile.
In Conclusion
There are good and bad aspects to everything, so don’t confine yourself to only the bad parts or the good parts. If you think of the gloomy sky and the cold that rain brings, that’s how you will feel inside. But if you think of rainbows and poodles and how the earth smells after a long time, you will fall in love with it. Turn your face to the sunshine, and the clouds won’t matter. Choose to be happy. If you’re ever given a choice between laughing and crying, always choose to laugh. Believe that rain can make you feel good, and it will. You can do many wondrous and deeply fulfilling things, even when it rains.
Choose to be strong; choose to smile. And everything you want will be yours, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but one day it will. Deep down inside, you know it too. Don’t let anyone or anything take that away from you. You owe yourself that much.
Alright, that’s it. We hope you enjoyed reading the many ways rain can make you feel good. Now when the next time it rains, enjoy every bit of it! Create some awesome memories! Thanks for reading!
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Author Profile

Lives in India. She dreams to someday settle in the mesmerizing Scotland. Voracious reader, video game lover and media and entertainment true fan.
Writing is her second most favorite thing to do! The first one is playing with her pet dogs and the third one is playing her piano.
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