We all need to use positive adjectives to describe someone or something great. And what we do, we use the same small set of adjectives repeatedly and end up giving a dull praise or writing a boring description or making an average impression.
Here are 1000+ positive adjectives which you can use in your daily talks and writings. Another benefit of using these words is you will feel more optimistic; as they say, what you think and speak the most, you attract. Thus you will see a major positive shift in your life as well. Also, using more positive avoids misunderstandings and creates a very pleasant atmosphere. There is enormous power in words, and we must tap it.
Here is a list of 1000+ positive adjectives to brighten up any conversation or description:
- Amazing
- Adaptable
- Adventurous
- Alluring
- Affable
- Affectionate
- Amicable
- Amiable
- Articulate
- Awesome
- Abundant
- Alive
- Astronomical
- Attractive
- Able
- Agreeable
- Ambitious
- Amusing
- Awe-inspiring
- Auspicious
- Audacious
- Agile
- Alert
- Altruistic
- Artistic
- Assertive
- Astute
- Athletic
- Attentive
- Authentic
- Admirable
- Assuring
- Accountable
- Active
- Adept
- A1
- Absolute
- Acclaimed
- Accommodating
- Accurate
- Acquainted
- Adequate
- Adorable
- Adroit
- Advantageous
- Aesthetic
- Affiliated
- Affluent
- Ageless
- Alright
- Ambidextrous
- Angelic
- Appealing
- Appreciative
- Approachable
- Appropriate
- Approving
- Ardent
- Arousing
- Articulate
- Aspiring
- Associative
- Astonishing
- Astounding
- Autonomous
- Avid
- Awaited
- Awake
- Aware
- Badass
- Best
- Blissful
- Brave
- Brilliant
- Beautiful
- Better
- Bold
- Beloved
- Big
- Boundless
- Bright
- Blithesome
- Broad-minded
- Breath-taking
- Bountiful
- Blazing
- Bustling
- Balanced
- Blessed
- Believer
- Benevolent
- Beneficial
- Beaming
- Beauteous
- Benign
- Big-hearted
- Booming
- Boisterous
- Brawny
- Brainy
- Breezy
- Brimming
- Bullish
- Bubbly
- Budding
- Businesslike
- Busy
- Captivating
- Calm
- Capable
- Charismatic
- Cheerful
- Chatty
- Communicative
- Compassionate
- Competitive
- Confident
- Conscientious
- Considerate
- Courageous
- Creative
- Charming
- Colorful
- Cosmopolitan
- Clever
- Creative
- Candid
- Chivalrous
- Civil
- Clean
- Chic
- Cherished
- Chill
- Competent
- Consistent
- Careful
- Champion
- Classy
- Cuddly
- Cute
- Challenging
- Centred
- Comforting
- Committed
- Courteous
- Cool
- Crafty
- Cheery
- Cosmic
- Contemporary
- Classic
- Cosy
- Calming
- Carefree
- Casual
- Celebrated
- Cerebral
- Celestial
- Central
- Certain
- Changeable
- Charitable
- Childlike
- Chirpy
- Chosen
- Civilized
- Classical
- Clear
- Cognizant
- Clearheaded
- Coherent
- Collected
- Colourful
- Comfortable
- Comical
- Commanding
- Commendable
- Compatible
- Complete
- Complimentary
- Composed
- Comprehensive
- Concentrated
- Concise
- Conclusive
- Concrete
- Connected
- Consensual
- Content
- Convenient
- Convincing
- Cooperative
- Cooperative
- Coordinated
- Copious
- Cordial
- Correct
- Creamy
- Credible
- Crisp
- Crucial
- Crystal
- Cultured
- Current
- Cunning
- Curious
- Cushy
- Cutting-edge
- Dear
- Delightful
- Determined
- Devoted
- Diligent
- Diplomatic
- Discreet
- Driven
- Dazzling
- Decisive
- Dependable
- Diplomatic
- Dynamic
- Dramatic
- Dusky
- Delicious
- Dedicated
- Dapper
- Dainty
- Dandy
- Daring
- Dashing
- Decent
- Decorated
- Deep
- Deft
- Definite
- Delectable
- Delicate
- Deluxe
- Deserving
- Designer
- Desirous
- Destined
- Developed
- Dexterous
- Devout
- Dignified
- Direct
- Disciplined
- Distinct
- Distinguished
- Diverse
- Divine
- Dominant
- Down-to-earth
- Dreamy
- Durable
- Dynamite
- Easy-going
- Educated
- Elegant
- Emotional
- Enchanting
- Energetic
- Enlightened
- Engaging
- Enthusiastic
- Excellent
- Expert
- Exuberant
- Extensive
- Exquisite
- Eager
- Earnest
- Empathetic
- Empowered
- Endearing
- Enlivened
- Enriched
- Enough
- Enigmatic
- Exciting
- Exceptional
- Extraordinary
- Electric
- Entertaining
- Ethical
- Exotic
- Eloquent
- Energizing
- Enhanced
- Enthralling
- Enticing
- Early
- Ebullient
- Eclectic
- Economical
- Ecstatic
- Educated
- Effective
- Efficient
- Effortless
- Elaborate
- Elated
- Electrifying
- Elder
- Eligible
- Emerging
- Eminent
- Employable
- Enamored
- Encouraging
- Enormous
- Enterprising
- Entrepreneurial
- Equal
- Equipped
- Esteemed
- Erudite
- Euphoric
- Eternal
- Eventful
- Evident
- Exact
- Exceeding
- Expansive
- Expeditious
- Expensive
- Experienced
- Exuberant
- Eye-catching
- Fabulous
- Fair-minded
- Flexible
- Focussed
- Forceful
- Frank
- Friendly
- Funny
- Fearless
- Fantastic
- Fascinating
- Far-sighted
- Favorable
- Fertile
- Fresh
- Futuristic
- Friendly
- Faithful
- Forgiving
- Fun
- Fit
- Famous
- Familiar
- Familial
- Fancy
- Far-reaching
- Fashionable
- Fast
- Flawless
- Favorite
- Fertile
- Feasible
- Festive
- Fine
- Fiery
- First-class
- Flavorful
- Flourishing
- Foremost
- Formidable
- Fortified
- Fortunate
- Forward
- Foundational
- Faster
- Fragrant
- Free
- Frisky
- Fruitful
- Fulfilling
- Generous
- Gentle
- Giving
- Gleaming
- Glimmering
- Glistening
- Glittering
- Glowing
- Good
- Gorgeous
- Gregarious
- Great
- Genuine
- Glamorous
- Graceful
- Good-looking
- Gallant
- Germane
- Gifted
- Genius
- Glad
- Glorious
- Godly
- Goal-chaser
- Good-humored
- Golden
- Good-natured
- Gracious
- Grand
- Grateful
- Groovy
- Grounded
- Growing
- Guaranteed
- Guided
- Guiltfree
- Gutsy
- Gigantic
- Hard-working
- Helpful
- Honest
- Humorous
- Harmonious
- Homey
- Handsome
- Happy
- Healthy
- Heartwarming
- Hearty
- Hopeful
- Humble
- Hilarious
- Handy
- Happening
- Happy-go-lucky
- Harmless
- Healing
- Heartfelt
- Heavenly
- Heroic
- Highest
- Highclass
- High-priority
- High-spirited
- Holy
- Honorary/Honorable
- Hospitable
- Hot
- Hotshot
- Humane
- Humanitarian
- Hygienic
- Hypersonic
- Hypnotic
- Imaginative
- Impartial
- Incredible
- Idealistic / Ideal
- Independent
- Inquisitive
- Insightful
- Intellectual/Intelligent
- Intuitive
- Inventive
- Immaculate
- Immense
- Impressive
- Indescribable
- Inspiring
- Illuminated
- Imaginative
- Impartial
- Incomparable
- Industrious
- Inspirational/Inspiring
- Intentional
- Integral
- Interesting
- Involved
- Irresistible
- Innovative
- Idiosyncratic
- Illuminated
- Illustrious
- Immediate
- Impartial
- Impeccable
- Important
- Impish
- Imperturbable
- Improved
- Included/ Inclusive
- Incisive
- Indestructible
- Indispensable
- Indisputable
- Inexhaustible
- Infinite
- Informed
- Ingenious
- Inimitable
- Innocent
- Instantaneous
- Instrumental
- Intense
- Interactive
- Interconnected
- Intimate
- Intriguing
- Invigorating
- Invincible
- Inviting
- Irreplaceable
- Jolly
- Jovial
- Joyful/Joyous
- Jubilant
- Just/Justified
- Jazzy
- Jestful
- Jewelled
- Jocular
- Joysome
- Judicious
- Juicy
- Kind
- Knowledgeable
- Keen
- Kind-hearted
- Kinetic
- Kingly
- Kissable
- Knightly
- Kooky
- Laid-back
- Loving
- Loyal
- Lustrous
- Lovely
- Likable
- Lush
- Lively
- Luxurious
- Lithe
- Lucky
- Listening
- Large
- Lasting
- Lavish
- Lawful
- Leading-edge
- Learned
- Legendary
- Legible
- Legit/Legitimate
- Leisurely
- Level-headed
- Liberal
- Liberating
- Light-hearted
- Like-minded
- Literary
- Logical
- Long-standing
- Lordly
- Lucid
- Lucrative
- Luminous
- Luscious
- Lush
- Lustrous
- Lusty
- Luxuriant
- Magnificent
- Marvelous
- Mirthful
- Modest
- Majestic
- Massive
- Mega
- Magical
- Monumental
- Mountainous
- Mysterious
- Mystical
- Magnanimous
- Masterful
- Methodical
- Meticulous
- Mind-blowing
- Mindful
- Mild
- Miraculous
- Modest
- Motivated/Motivational
- Magnetic
- Main/Major
- Manageable
- Manifold
- Manly
- Mannerly
- Many
- Marked
- Meritorious
- Masculine
- Motherly
- Mature
- Maximum
- Meaningful
- Meditative
- Meek
- Mellow
- Melodious
- Merciful
- Memorable
- Merry
- Mesmerizing
- Meteoric
- Methodical
- Mettlesome
- Mighty
- Modern
- Momentous
- Monetary
- More/Most
- Moral
- Moving
- Multidimensional
- Multitalented
- Multidisciplined
- Muscular
- Musical
- Mutual
- National/Nationwide
- Native
- Necessary
- New/Novel
- Nimble
- Noble
- Notable
- Nourishing
- Numero Uno
- Nascent
- Neat
- Nice
- Nostalgic
- Natural
- Nurturing
- Neutral
- Observant
- Open/Open-minded
- Optmistic
- Organized
- Outstanding
- Obliging
- Orderly
- Original
- Outgoing
- Official
- Okay
- Opportune
- Optimum
- Opulent
- Oraganic
- Ornamental
- Overflowing
- Overjoyed
- Ostentatious
- Passionate
- Patient
- Perfect
- Persistent
- Personal
- Philosophical
- Pioneering
- Placid
- Plucky
- Polite
- Powerful
- Practical
- Pro-active
- Productive
- Proficient
- Propitious
- Peaceful
- Picturesque
- Pleasant
- Prosperous
- Pretty
- Playful
- Practical
- Pragmatic
- Prudent
- Punctual
- Perky
- Protective
- Precious
- Palpable
- Paramount
- Particular
- Peppy
- Permanent
- Perseverant/Persevering
- Persuasive
- Pertinent
- Phenomenal
- Philanthropic
- Picturesque
- Poetic
- Pilot
- Pious
- Pivotal
- Plausible
- Plentiful
- Polished
- Posh
- Popular
- Positive
- Possible
- Potent
- Praiseworthy
- Precise
- Predominant
- Preeminent
- Preferred
- Premium
- Present
- Prestigious
- Primary
- Princely
- Principal
- Pristine
- Privileged
- Prized
- Professional
- Proficient
- Profound
- Progressive
- Proper
- Prophetic
- Promising
- Prominent
- Prolific
- Proud
- Pure
- Purposeful
- Quaint
- Qualitative
- Quantitative
- Quality
- Queenly
- Quintessential
- Quirky
- Quixotic
- Qualified
- Quick
- Quick-witted
- Quiet
- Remarkable
- Right
- Radiant
- Rational
- Ready
- Receptive
- Refreshed
- Relatable
- Relaxing
- Reliable
- Resilient
- Resourceful
- Respected
- Revered
- Rich
- Romantic
- Ravishing
- Reassuring
- Realistic
- Receptive
- Rapid
- Razor-sharp
- Realistic
- Reasonable
- Reciprocal
- Recommendable
- Regal
- Royal
- Regular
- Relieving
- Relivant
- Renowned
- Resilient
- Resolute
- Resourceful
- Respectable
- Responsive
- Revitalizing
- Revered
- Revolutionary
- Rewarding
- Rhapsodic
- Rightful/Righteous
- Robust
- Rounded
- Rosy
- Rugged
- Ruling
- Self-confident
- Self-disciplined
- Sensible
- Sensitive
- Sincere
- Sleek
- Sociable
- Spectacular
- Sensational
- Splendid
- Stellar
- Stunning
- Stupendous
- Super
- Sympathetic
- Serene
- Shiny
- Spacious
- Sun-drenched
- Superb
- Sacred
- Safe
- Satisfied
- Scrumptious
- Secure
- Self-assured
- Sharp
- Shimmering
- Shining
- Shrewd
- Simple
- Skilled
- Smart
- Snazzy
- Stylish
- Stoic
- Straightforward
- Strategic
- Successful
- Sustained
- Sweet
- Sexy
- Sharing
- Soulful
- Sturdy
- Steady
- Strong
- Sacrosanct
- Saccharine
- Sagacious
- Saintly
- Salient
- Salubrious
- Sanguine
- Sapient
- Sapid
- Sassy
- Satisfying
- Savory
- Savvy
- Scenic
- Scholarly
- Scientific
- Scintillating
- Scrumptious
- Scrupulous
- Seamless
- Seasonal/Seasoned
- Second-to-none
- Secure
- Sedulous
- Select
- Self-made
- Self-starting
- Self-sufficient
- Selfless
- Sensual
- Sentimental
- Serendipitous
- Settled
- Shapely
- Shipshape
- Silky
- Silver
- Sizzling
- Smooth
- Soaring
- Solicitous
- Solid
- Soothing
- Sophisticated
- Sought-after
- Sovereign
- Spacious
- Sparkling
- Spellbinding
- Speedy
- Spicy
- Spontaneous
- Sporty
- Spotless
- Starry
- Stately
- Stimulating
- Stirring
- Striking
- Street-smart
- Substantial
- Sublime
- Subtle
- Suitable
- Sunny
- Supportive
- Supreme
- Swift
- Synergistic
- Symbiotic
- Systematic
- Thoughtful
- Tidy
- Tough
- Trustworthy
- Twinkling
- Terrific
- Tranquil
- Tactful
- Tasty
- Thankful
- Thorough
- Thrilling
- Thriving
- Tolerant
- Transparent
- Triumphant
- Team-player
- Total
- Talented
- Tangible
- Temperate
- Tenacious
- Tender
- Therapeutic
- Time-saving
- Tiptop
- Timeless
- Titanic
- Top-notch
- Trailblazing
- Transcendental
- Tremendous
- True-blue
- Truthful
- Ultimate
- Uber
- Ultra
- Unanimous
- Unbeaten
- Unbelievable
- Uncommon
- Unconventional
- Understanding
- Undisputed
- Unified
- Unique
- United
- Universal
- Unrivaled
- Unshakable
- Unstoppable
- Upbeat
- Uplifting
- Urbane
- Useful
- Valiant
- Valid
- Valuable
- Vast
- Versatile
- Vibrant
- Victorious
- Vigilant
- Vital
- Vivid
- Vivacious
- Vocal
- Visionary
- Virtuous
- Warm/Warm-hearted
- Warranted
- Wealthy
- Welcoming
- Weleful
- Well-behaved
- Well-known
- Well-meaning
- Well-read
- Well-spoken
- Well-informed
- Well-timed
- Wholehearted
- Wholesome
- Willing
- Whopping
- Wise
- Witty
- Wizardly
- Wonderful
- Wondrous
- World-class
- Worthwhile
- Xenodochial
- Young
- Yummy
- Youthful
- Zany
- Zappy
- Zazzy
- Zealous
- Zestful
- Zingy
- Zippy
- Zooty
Hope you found the above 1000+ positive, feel-good adjectives helpful! Did we miss any positive/feel-good words? Let us know in the comments.
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